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26 results
  • A nurse and a smallpox patient in an isolation hospital, possibly at Ilford, Essex. Three photographs.
  • A nurse and a smallpox patient in an isolation hospital, possibly at Ilford, Essex. Three photographs.
  • A nurse and a smallpox patient in an isolation hospital, possibly at Ilford, Essex. Three photographs.
  • The inoculation of an isolated plague patient in China. Photograph.
  • An isolated blue figure surrounded by pairs of yellow feet scuttling away; representing ostracism of AIDS patients. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • An den Congress zu Rastadt über die Ausrottung der Blattern = : Au Congrès de Rastadt sur l'extirpation de la petite vèrole / B.C. Faust.
  • An den Congress zu Rastadt über die Ausrottung der Blattern = : Au Congrès de Rastadt sur l'extirpation de la petite vèrole / B.C. Faust.
  • Klebsiella pneumonia
  • Familial aniridia deletion shown by cosmid
  • Human brain cancer stem cells, SEM
  • Human brain cancer stem cells, SEM
  • Human brain cancer stem cells, SEM
  • Human brain cancer stem cells, SEM
  • Aniridia + translocation, FISH & cosmid prob
  • Human brain cancer stem cells treated with graphene, SEM
  • Human brain cancer stem cells treated with graphene, SEM
  • Stem cell transfer of mitochondria
  • A swollen and inflamed foot: gout is represented by an attacking demon. Coloured soft-ground etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • A swollen and inflamed foot: gout is represented by an attacking demon. Coloured soft-ground etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • A swollen and inflamed foot: gout is represented by an attacking demon. Coloured soft-ground etching by J. Gillray, 1799.
  • H.M.S. Dreadnought, a hospital ship, being towed from Greenwich to Chatham by tugs. Wood engraving by J. Greenaway, with letterpress and view of St Paul's Cathedral in title area, 1872.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.
  • Louis Pasteur and his rabies patients. Wood engraving after Paul Renouard, 1886.