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48 results
  • Success at every stage of Parkinson's Disease : Eldepryl.
  • Success at every stage of Parkinson's Disease : Eldepryl.
  • The villager's friend and physician. Or, A familiar address on the preservation of health, and the removal of disease on its first appearance; supposed to be delivered by a village apothecary. With cursory observations on the treatment of children, on sobriety, industry, &c ... / [James Parkinson].
  • Neurons derived from human neural stem cells. The green staining highlights the typical appearance of differentiated nerve cells. Cells such as these could form the basis of future treatments for degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
  • Human embryonic stem cell (gold) growing on a layer of supporting cells (fibroblasts). Stem cells are derived from very early embryos and can either be grown to stay in their original state or triggered to form almost any type of human cell. The fibroblasts provide special factors that maintain the stem cells in their original state. The stem cell appears to be grasped by the underlying fibroblast. Stem cell research could lead to cures for many diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and diabetes, where a patient's cells are damaged or absent.
  • Polemonium caeruleum L. Polemoniaceae Jacob's ladder, Greek Valerian. Hardy perennial. Distribution: Temperate Europe. Dioscorides in 70 AD (Beck, 2005), and Lyte (1578) recommended it drunk in wine, for malignant ulcers, dysentery, difficulty in micturition, hip disease. The root was worn round the neck to protect against scorpions, and stopped toothache if chewed. Called Valerian Graeca by Dodoens (1551) and Parkinson (1640), Valeriana peregrina Belgarum by Lobel (1576). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Antiparkinsoniano Diparcol : lo que hay que saber del: Diparcol ... / marcas Rhône Poulenc Specia.
  • Antiparkinsoniano Diparcol : lo que hay que saber del: Diparcol ... / marcas Rhône Poulenc Specia.
  • Antiparkinsoniano Diparcol : lo que hay que saber del: Diparcol ... / marcas Rhône Poulenc Specia.
  • Antiparkinsoniano Diparcol : lo que hay que saber del: Diparcol ... / marcas Rhône Poulenc Specia.
  • Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane)
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple) Also called Jimsonweed
  • Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane)
  • Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane)
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • Datura stramonium (Thornapple). Also called Jimsonweed
  • An essay on the shaking palsy / by James Parkinson.
  • Parkinsonism.
  • Parkinsonism.
  • Parkinsonism.
  • Parkinsonism.
  • Tubilin liquido, Tublin-Escila tabletasTabletas Estramonio Azpeco : Tabletas Estramonio Azpeco : anti-convulsante vegetal, anti-eleptico atoxico, anti-espasmodico : no produce alergia ... / Azpeco.
  • Tubilin liquido, Tublin-Escila tabletasTabletas Estramonio Azpeco : Tabletas Estramonio Azpeco : anti-convulsante vegetal, anti-eleptico atoxico, anti-espasmodico : no produce alergia ... / Azpeco.
  • Inside the brain / Wellcome Trust.
  • Para la terapia peroral de la diabetes mellitus, Rastinon Hoechst ... : Novocaina >T< ... / Hoechst A.G. ; representantes: Farmaceutica Hoechst Mexicana, S.A.