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11 results
  • Andenken an Emilisa Stoll : die Kopf an Kopf zusammengeachsenen Zwillinge : geb. am 7. Januar 1912 zu Vilbel bei Frankfurt a. M. / Impresario Otto Heinemann, Charlottenburg, Schlüterstr. 12.
  • Andenken an Emilisa Stoll : die Kopf an Kopf zusammengeachsenen Zwillinge : geb. am 7. Januar 1912 zu Vilbel bei Frankfurt a. M. / Impresario Otto Heinemann, Charlottenburg, Schlüterstr. 12.
  • A surgeon operates on the eye of an immoral old man, while the efforts of Time and Minerva to cure his inner corruption are rebuffed. Line engraving after O. van Veen, 16--.
  • A boy taking a glass of water from a tap fitted with a device to purify water with ozone; advertising the Otto procedure of water purification by electricity. Colour lithograph by Goldstein, 1930.
  • Von Ziemssen's handbook of general therapeutics.
  • Von Ziemssen's handbook of general therapeutics.
  • A prospect of the city of Rome from Janiculum. Etching by G. Vasi and G. Piranesi, 1765.
  • A prospect of the city of Rome from Janiculum. Etching by G. Vasi and G. Piranesi, 1765.
  • A prospect of the city of Rome from Janiculum. Etching by G. Vasi and G. Piranesi, 1765.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Lithograph after Bernhardinus Milnet.
  • The Italian social fabric symbolised by a chain of social types, with all relations of dependence ultimately relating back to the devil. Etching by G.M. Mitelli, 1691.