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115 results
  • Cartoon showing effects of sleeping below a mosquito net.
  • Postcard: mosquito net to be worn as a veil.
  • Postcard: mosquito net to be worn as a veil.
  • A child asleep under a mosquito net and treating the net: malaria prevention in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health Malaria Control Programme, ca. 2000.
  • A Japanese fisherman on a lake shore pulling in his nets. Watercolour, c.1860.
  • Four Chinese figures, one with net, another with a tray. Painting by a Chinese artist, ca. 1850.
  • Ashanti War, Ghana, 1873: a British soldier resting beneath a mosquito net in a tropical landscape. Wood engraving, 1873.
  • Ashanti War, Ghana, 1873: a British soldier resting beneath a mosquito net in a tropical landscape. Wood engraving, 1873.
  • A fisherman on his boat at sea, with a lobster pot, lowering a lift net. Woodcut by J. Amman.
  • A chamois buck is chased downhill into a net by two hunting dogs. Etching by J.E. Ridinger.
  • A baby beneath a mosquito net: preventing malaria in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • India: a street conjuror with his musicians, putting a man inside a net and a wicker basket. Photograph, ca. 1900.
  • Fishermen hauling in a net close to the shore, ships stand off-shore in the background. Engraving.
  • A child buys eels from a woman with a basket, and three small boys are in a fishing boat with nets. Etching.
  • A child lying beneath a mosquito net: malaria prevention in Uganda. Colour lithograph by the Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • A giant mosquito trying to attack a French soldier who is protected by a mosquito net. Colour lithograph after H. Stephany, 1917.
  • A woman and her child lie beneath a mosquito net: preventing malaria in Senegal. Colour lithograph by DNSR (?), ca. 2000.
  • Loma Linda garbanzos : a good source of protein : net wt. 1 LB., 4 oz / Loma Linda Foods.
  • Hunting: nets for catching ground-feeding birds, and a wolf-trap (?) Engraving, c.1762 by B.-L. Prevost.
  • Israel (?): mosquito nets and folded mattresses on camp beds: the rooftop of a military hospital. Photograph, 1914/1940 (?).
  • Three boys are fishing in rock pools with a large net. Engraving by J.T. Willmore after W. Collins.
  • A family beneath a mosquito net: preventing malaria in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health Division of Malaria Control, ca. 2000.
  • A mouse nibbles through a net in which a lion is caught; illustrating Aesop's fable. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • A fisherman is standing on a rock with his nets and baskets strapped to his back. Mezzotint by J. Jones after G. Carter.
  • Two men catching partridges by trapping them in a net and letting a dog track the birds down. Etching by W. S. Howitt.
  • Three interlinked scenes of a fisherman with his nets, Cupid pointing an arrow at a young couple who are contemplating marriage and a physician. Etching.
  • A mother tucks a mosquito net around her child's bed: preventing malaria in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, 2010.
  • A pregnant woman receiving anti-malaria medication and lying beneath a mosquito net: preventing malaria in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, 2003.
  • Three men in a field hunting partridge with the help of a hound, a net and a decoy. Etching by M.E. Ridinger after J.E. Ridinger.
  • A mosquito attempting to attack a mosquito net under which a mother and child sleep: preventing malaria in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, 2003.