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9 results
  • A man looks regretfully at a woman smoking a cigarette. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2001.
  • People bicycling and walking in a park in the Netherlands; advertising exercise as preventing heart disease. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2001.
  • A hand holding a burning cigarette by an ashtray; representing smoking as a cause of heart disease. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2001.
  • The heart and blood circulation system: anatomy and physiology explained through diagrams for children, with a view to heart disease prevention. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2001.
  • A man on a beach trying to blow up an inflatable lifebelt for children who look on; representing the breath-problems that occur to smokers. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2000.
  • A man at a funfair by the seaside, being compelled to move rapidly by his dog pulling him forwards; representing exercise as good for the heart. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2000.
  • A dish of garnish after a cat has removed a cooked fish from the centre of it, leaving a fish-shaped gap; representing fish as a subsitute for meat that is healthy for the heart. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Hartstichting, ca. 2000.
  • A man smoking a cigar while a toddler sits on his knee: a cat looks on with disapproval; representing the bad effects of smoking in the presence of children. Colour lithograph for Stichting Volksgezondheid en Roken (Stivoro), ca. 2000.
  • A girl setting off on a walk along a country road, leaving behind cigarette butts, cigarettes and smoke-rings; representing the smoke-free status of a group of school students. Colour lithograph for Stivoro (Stichting Volksgezondheid en Roken), ca. 2000.