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10 results
  • Muscular atrophy: a thin bare-chested child. Photograph, 1860/1880.
  • Progressive muscular atrophy
  • Case of progressive muscular atrophy
  • Aran's description of the progressive muscular atrophy
  • A naked man with muscular atrophy, walking. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • Sur l'atrophie musculaire des ataxiques (névrite motrice périphérique des ataxiques) : étude clinique et anatomo-pathologique / par J. Dejerine.
  • Christ heals the man with the withered hand. Etching by J. Barlow, 1813, after W.M. Craig.
  • Hemi-atrophy of the tongue
  • Friday 4th October 2002 : Jeans for genes day : be a star for a day... : by wearing your jeans to work on Jeans for genes day.
  • Mouse neuromuscular junctions