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14 results
  • Louis Benoît Guersant. Lithograph by C. Motte.
  • Louis Benoît Guersant. Lithograph by C. Motte.
  • A corrupt old man tries to seduce a woman by urging her to take a hypnotic draught in her drink. Coloured lithograph by C. Motte.
  • A corrupt old man tries to seduce a woman by urging her to take a hypnotic draught in her drink. Coloured lithograph by C. Motte.
  • A horse-drawn carriage has arrived at a church in a poor part of a town: a newly wed couple walk down the steps towards it as the coachman holds the door open and spectators stand by. Lithograph by C. Motte after V. Adam.
  • A child is being encouraged to be friendly with a dog, but is a little nervous. Lithograph by C. Motte after A. Deveria.
  • Place du Châtelet, Paris: a cart loaded with hay, a white carriage with two white horses ("Dame Blanche"), a working cart and a handcart pulled by a young boy are all gathered on the square. Lithograph by Ch. Motte, 1829, after V. Adam.
  • François Chaussier. Lithograph by C. Motte after Dutertre.
  • A stone quarry: masons are working the stone, and a team of horses is pulling a cart carrying a massive stone. Lithograph by C. Motte after V. Adam.
  • Sébastien Guillié. Lithograph by C. Motte after S. J. Le Gros.
  • A man brings his young wife to a natural philosopher's establishment so that she may receive electric stimulation. Lithograph by C. Motte after J. Madou.
  • A man brings his young wife to a natural philosopher's establishment so that she may receive electric stimulation. Lithograph by C. Motte after J. Madou.
  • Jean-Baptiste-Camille Piron. Lithograph by C. Motte after F. Grenier.
  • A sick husband holds the hand of his wife. Lithograph by C. Motte after A. Maurin after H. Decaisne, 182-.