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40 results
  • Moses smiting the rock to supply water to his followers. Colour lithograph by L. Gruner after N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • Christ trampling the head of the serpent; Moses lifting up the serpent on a cross-shaped pole (Num. 21.8-9). Etching by P. Rothwell.
  • Moses speaks to his people in the land of the Moab, in the fortieth year of Exodus. Etching by C. Mosley, 1747, after A. Cheron.
  • Five biblical figures, showing special physiognomic characteristics. Drawing, c. 1791, after Raphael.
  • Moses, with his rod and the table of the ten commandments. Etching by J. Rogers after S.W. Reynolds.
  • The people of Moses receive manna from heaven in the wilderness. Engraving by B. Audran I after N. Poussin, 1637-1639.
  • Moses, with his rod and the table of the ten commandments; with scenes from the Passion and the Last Judgement to come. Mezzotint after S.W. Reynolds.
  • The finding of Moses. Colour woodcut by J.B. Jackson, 1741, after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • Moses draws water from the rock, and the Israelites quench their thirst. Etching by J. Le Pautre.
  • Moses strikes a rock and water pours forth in abundance. Etching after F. Sigrist.
  • Moses' people in exile in Egypt are compared to metals that are strengthened by being exposed to fire in a furnace without being consumed. Line engraving by C. Visscher after C. van Mander.
  • Moses' arms grow heavy as he prays for the victory of the Israelites over the Amalecites; an outstretched arm is anatomically depicted. Etching by C. Sperling-Heckel, c. 1735.
  • In front of a grand palace, Moses draws water from a rock. Etching by J. Le Pautre.
  • The infant Moses is brought before Pharaoh's daughter. Coloured lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl after P. Caliari, il Veronese.
  • Judaic rituals and ritual artifacts from the Old Testament. Engraving.
  • Aaron points his rod at the river and it begins to flow with frogs. Etching.
  • Moses is retrieved from the Nile by Egyptian women. Engraving by S. Smith, 1786, after G. Robertson after F. Zuccarelli.
  • Moses brings forth water with his rod; his people gather the manna dropped from heaven and carry it away. Engraving by G. Bonasone after G.F.M. Mazzola, il Parmigianino, 1546.
  • Episodes in the Pentateuch involving sacrifice, worship and idol-worshipping. Engraving.
  • The mother of Moses sadly abandons her child by the river Nile. Etching by C. Heath, 1821, after R. Westall after N. Poussin, 1654.
  • Moses with his rod and his brazen serpent. Engraving by J. Hall, 1793, after B. West.
  • Moses presents his brazen serpent to the people. Woodcut after Robert Anning Bell, c. 1890.
  • Moses and Eleazar show the brazen serpent before the writhing multitude afflicted with snake-bites. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens, ca. 1635-40.
  • The transfiguration of Christ; Moses and Elijah appear alongside him. Etching by M. Küssell after J.W. Baur.
  • The transfiguration of Christ. Etching.
  • The transfiguration of Christ. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after L. Carracci.
  • Moses and Eleazar reveal the brazen serpent to the people afflicted with snakebite. Lithograph by A. Blanco after P.P. Rubens.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people writhe on the ground, besieged by fiery serpents. Etching by G. Cooke, 1816, after C. le Brun.
  • The child Aaron being led away by Moses' father, after abandoning Moses in the bullrushes. Etching by C. Bouzonnet-Stella, 1672, after N. Poussin, 1654.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people carry their wounded towards it. Etching.