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73 results
  • Military Hospital V.R. 76, Ris-Orangis, France: store for linen supplied by Red Cross. Photograph, 1916.
  • 13 Dept. : books, music, musical instruments, bookbinding & foreign stamps / Army & Navy Co-operative Society, Limited, 105, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W.
  • 13 Dept. : books, music, musical instruments, bookbinding & foreign stamps / Army & Navy Co-operative Society, Limited, 105, Victoria St., Westminster, S.W.
  • Composite ration pack : type A (14 men for one day) : contents and suggested use...
  • Instructions for the use of "The 24-hour ration".
  • Instructions for the use of "The 24-hour ration".
  • Franco-German War: a French soldier high in a tree orders a group of well equipped Germans to stop firing on him. Colour lithograph.
  • World War One: three soldiers sterilising water for the troops. Gouache painting, c. 1916.
  • Leave or duty ration book : soldier or sailor.
  • Leave or duty ration book : soldier or sailor.
  • Leave or duty ration book : soldier or sailor.
  • Leave or duty ration book : soldier or sailor.
  • Leave or duty ration book : soldier or sailor.
  • Leave or duty ration book : soldier or sailor.
  • Second Matabele War, Zimbabwe: British soldiers climbing down to fetch water from the bottom of a pit. Halftone by André & Sleigh Ld after C.E. Fripp, 1896.
  • A beach in the Dardanelles with soldiers unloading medical supplies from a ship to Red Cross trucks. Colour halftone after N. Wilkinson, 1915.
  • The interior of a room with steam and cold water pipes at a military hospital in St. Petersburg. Lithograph.
  • World War One: two orderlies and a working dog of the German Red Cross. Halftone, c. 1916.
  • World War One: a physician tending a soldier in a room in the trenches. Coloured charcoal drawing.
  • A portable device used to counteract poisonous gases, being carried on a man's back. Halftone.
  • Boer War: a busy field hospital storeroom with baskets of Red Cross medical supplies. Charcoal drawing by P.F.S. Spence.
  • Demobilization ration book : soldier, sailor, or airman.
  • Demobilization ration book : soldier, sailor, or airman.
  • Demobilization ration book : soldier, sailor, or airman.
  • Demobilization ration book : soldier, sailor, or airman.
  • Demobilization ration book : soldier, sailor, or airman.
  • Demobilization ration book : soldier, sailor, or airman.
  • Join the Penny-a-Week Fund and keep the Red Cross in action : this appeal is made on behalf of the War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and the Order of St.John of Jerusalem, registered under the War Charoities Act, 1940.
  • Russo-Japanese War: army medical staff treating the wounded in a field at Linglingtun, China. Collotype, c. 1904.
  • Boer War: soldiers checking the contents of crates of medical supplies. Halftone, c.1900.