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365 results
  • A shop in a bazaar in the Middle East. Oil painting.
  • Two men in a car outside the Wellcome pharmaceutical depot in the Middle East. Photograph.
  • Two men in a car outside the Wellcome pharmaceutical depot in the Middle East. Photograph.
  • World War II: engineers of the GHQ Middle East Forces (?) relaxing on the coast of Egypt (?). Photographic postcard, 194-.
  • World War II: engineers of the GHQ Middle East Forces (?) relaxing on the coast of Egypt (?). Photographic postcard, 194-.
  • Olea europaea L. Oleaceae Olive Distribution: Europe, Middle East. Dioscorides (Beck, 2005) regarded the olive as a panacea, curing all manner of cutaneous afflictions from shingles to sores
  • A section through the roadway of Holborn Viaduct, London: looking east, showing the middle level sewer. Wood engraving after W. Haywood, 1854.
  • Middle eastern Quorn : serves 12 / The Quorn Kitchen.
  • Middle eastern Quorn : serves 12 / The Quorn Kitchen.
  • Hunkarim : cafe, bar, restaurant : serving a mixture of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes : take away & delivery menu.
  • Hunkarim : cafe, bar, restaurant : serving a mixture of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes : take away & delivery menu.
  • Hunkarim : cafe, bar, restaurant : serving a mixture of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes : take away & delivery menu.
  • Hunkarim : cafe, bar, restaurant : serving a mixture of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes : take away & delivery menu.
  • Hunkarim : cafe, bar, restaurant : serving a mixture of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern dishes : take away & delivery menu.
  • Textiles: two women, in ancient (Middle Eastern?) costume, spinning cotton with distaffs under their arms. Photolithograph after a drawing by F. M. P.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV - the facts / Naz Project London, NPL, an HIV, AIDS and sexual health agency working with South Asian, Middle Eastern and North African communities.
  • HIV, AIDS and Islam : information for Muslim communities : an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities / NPL, Naz Project London.
  • HIV, AIDS and Islam : information for Muslim communities : an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities / NPL, Naz Project London.
  • HIV, AIDS and Islam : information for Muslim communities : an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities / NPL, Naz Project London.
  • HIV, AIDS and Islam : information for Muslim communities : an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities / NPL, Naz Project London.
  • HIV, AIDS and Islam : information for Muslim communities : an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities / NPL, Naz Project London.
  • HIV, AIDS and Islam : information for Muslim communities : an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities / NPL, Naz Project London.
  • Mientras mas te cuide, mas grande es mi piacer : condones / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern, North African and other excluded communities ; illustrations by Gas Coley.