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157 results
  • Malignant Carcinoid of Ileum.
  • Aortic Valve Replacement
  • Cornual pregnancy
  • Intussusception. Resection
  • Normal Pregnancy
  • Bicuspid Aortic Valve
  • Diffuse Adenocarcinoma of Stomach
  • Adenomatous coli
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Infarction of Small Intestine and Thrombosis of Portal Vein
  • Carcinoma of Bile Duct Papilla
  • Metastases from a Malignant Melanoma, Heart
  • Adenomatous Polyp of Stomach
  • Atherosclerosis in Pulmonary Arteries
  • Leiomyoma of the Stomach
  • Spontaneous Rupture of Aorta
  • Varicose Veins of Leg
  • Benign Stricture of Small Intestine
  • Cystic Kidneys with Bilateral Pyonephrosis
  • Papilloma of Rectum
  • Intersex with Complete Hypospadias.
  • Carcinoma of Colon
  • Early pregnancy
  • Barium inhalation
  • Acute Rheumatic Vegetations on Mitral Valve
  • Ligneous Appendicitis
  • Normal Kidney