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6 results
  • A man sits and paints a picture of the exiled Adam and Eve; his wife suckles a baby; representing the thirtieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
  • Cherubs and demons hold up pictures in front of a youth; a woman embroiders; representing the age of twenty. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16---.
  • A couple bringing in the harvest; representing the fortieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
  • An old man dozing in a chair; representing the eightieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
  • A man and a woman in a vineyard in autumn; representing the benefits of the fiftieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
  • An old couple are assisted in walking; representing the ninetieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16---.