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30 results
  • Virginie giving a bowl of food to a starving black slave woman who has fled from her master. Engraving by E. Rouargue, 1824, after A. Desenne.
  • Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis. Line engraving by J. Daullé and J.G. Wille, 1741, after R. Levrac-Tournières, 1737.
  • Balthazar Georges Sage. Line engraving by J. Beauvarlet after F. G. Colson.
  • J.B. Douville in Africa being carried in a litter ("tipoi") suspended on poles between two people. Coloured lithograph attributed to Boulanger (?) afterJ.B. Douville.
  • Monks singing the Liturgy of the Hours; one monk doing penance. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu, 1795.
  • Paul and Virginie are found by their slave Domingue and their dog Fidele when they are  lost in the forests of Mauritius. Engraving.
  • Saint Philip Neri. Engraving by N. Dorigny after D. Guidi.
  • Barthélemy-Camille de Boissieu. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu, 1771.
  • A girl with a diary extract written in red for Tuesday 13th February explaining how she upset her mother by telling her she does not understand why she can't be HIV positive like her friend, Jeremy; one of a series of posters representing an advertisement for a competition for posters of images against AIDS. Colour lithograph by Cristelle Cliquet.
  • Pope Pius VII on the Saône near Lyons. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist. Engraving by J. Boulanger after G. Reni.
  • Perseus rescuing Andromeda from a sea-monster. Engraving by L. Cars, 1728, after F. Lemoine.
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.
  • A seated Greek woman on an obstetrical stool being held in position by her husband while giving birth aided by a midwife, another attendant dresses the first baby. Line engraving by A. Tardieu after N. Maréchal.
  • Emily M. Madden's cat Mouton. Drawings by Emily M. Madden, 1856-1859.
  • Saint Jerome. Etching by J.J. de Boissieu, 1797.
  • Pero breast-feeding her father Cimon in prison. Line engraving by J.P. le Bas after N.N. Coypel.
  • Saint Geneviève as a shepherdess, seated under a tree, reading a book with sheep at her side; three angels in the sky. Engraving by J.J. Balechou after C. Vanloo.
  • A father has died and is mourned by his wife and children, as his eldest son returns from the wars, distraught by his arrival too late to see his father alive. Engraving by R. Gaillard, 1781, after J.B. Greuze.
  • Preparation for the witches' sabbath. Engraving by J. Aliamet after D. Teniers the younger, 1755.
  • Preparation for the witches' sabbath. Engraving by J. Aliamet after D. Teniers the younger, 1755.
  • White linen embroidered with a flower and the initials 'SC' with a letterpress narrative describing its role in protecting the artist from AIDS. Colour silk screen print after S. Calle, 1993.
  • Claude Deshayes Gendron. Line engraving by J. Daullé, 1787, after H. Rigaud.
  • A vaccinated man grows horns in front of a couple with a lancet. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • A vaccinated man grows horns in front of a couple with a lancet. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • An itinerant young man is presenting a "boîte à curiosité" or magic lantern show to children and adults who are gathering around to look. Engraving by Noel Le Mire, 1752, after R. Brakenburg.
  • An optical experiment using a giant lens to reflect sun-rays to create fire, with optical instruments scattered and fountains in a Baroque setting. Line engraving by C.N. Cochin the elder, 1737, after J. de La Jouë.
  • Philibert Orry. Engraving by B. Lepicié after H. Rigaud, 1737.
  • Philibert Orry. Engraving by B. Lepicié after H. Rigaud, 1737.
  • Christ teaches the doctors; while they scour books, he points upwards to indicate the source of his knowledge. Engraving by C. Levasseur after Borel after J. Ribera.