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633 results
  • Sir Francis E. Fremantle, O.B.E., M.D., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.P., D.P.H., M.P.
  • John Phillips. Wood engraving by R. & E. Taylor after T.D. Scott, 1874.
  • Henry Bence Jones. Wood engraving by R. & E. Taylor, 1873, after T.D. Scott.
  • Henry Bence Jones. Wood engraving by R. & E. Taylor, 1873, after T.D. Scott.
  • The Board School, Blundell Street, Islington. Wood engraving by W. E. Hodgkin after D. R. Warry, 1873.
  • Francis, J. Allan, M.D., F.R.S.E.
  • The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London: the main facade. Wood engraving by W. E. Hodgkin after D. R. Warry, 1872.
  • A Swedish woman standing on the edge of a cliff, blowing on a long pipe. Engraving by R. Pollard after E.D. Clarke.
  • First aid memory chart : designed for A.R.P. first aid workers & learners / by Harold E. Palmer, D. Litt. & W. Rougier Chapman, Surgeon Lieut. Commander R.N.V.R. ; approved by the St. John Ambulance Association.
  • A head, a hand and a torso of a criminal, each deposited on a cartwheel on top of a stripped tree-trunk. Engraving by R. Pollard after E.D. Clarke, 1819.
  • The Castalian spring at Delphi; the cavities in the rock are for votive offerings. Etching by F.R. Hay, 1813, after E.D. Clarke.
  • Mikrokosmographa. A description of the little-world, or, body of man : exactly delineating all the parts ... With the severall diseases thereof. Also their ... cures / By R.T. [i.e. Robert Turner].
  • A woman and a man sit on a bed staring at a condom as if it floats magically mid-air; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • An exasperated looking figure holding a lead with a dog beside him representing a man looking for information on the HIV virus; an advertisement for the 1st AIDS Prevention Manual/Guide for teachers and health promoters by the Fundacion R.E.D. Colour lithograph by Fontanarrosa, ca. 1995.
  • Now ready : cloth boards, price 3s. 6d. : Part 1. Contributions to practical surgery : pathological, therapeutic & operative, by James George Beaney F.R.C.S.E. : surgeon to the Melbourne Hospital.
  • A woman in a black and white dress singing next to a microphone with a man as their band members play the drums and guitar in the background; an advertisement for support for those with AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • A partly blurred image of a woman sitting at a table in a bar with a glass of wine as a man puts his arm around while holding up a condom packet to their companions; an advertisement for safe sex by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • A man with a skin head and leather jacket talks to a woman with a skin head against a metal fence with grafitti on a wall in the background: "Heroin Raus!" [heroin out]; a warning about the dangers of sharing needles and contracting AIDS by the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by R. Warzecha, M. Jahreiss and D. Pusch.
  • London School of Tropical Medicine 13th sessionGroup Portrait- including Sir Patrick Manson, Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, H.F. Conyngham, Dr. Crombie, M. F. Ellis, L. Clifford, W.F. Holmes, A.D. Humphry, Dr. G.C. Low , G. Loader, J.E. Mitchell, J.F.G. Mayer, Dr. Ross, D. Steel, P. Rees, E.H. Read, G.R. Ruata, Major Wilson, W.J. Radford, G. Warren, and Robert (lab assistant).
  • London School of Tropical Medicine (10th Session) group portrait including Sir Patric Manson, M.C. Blair, R.F. de Boissiere, C.W. Daniels, A.H. Davies, J.T. Hancock O. Galgey, and E. Da Cunha, G. Hungerford, Sir Francis Lovell, J. Lunn, G. Lecesne, W.S. Milne, T. Hood, M. Sandeman, D. Steel, Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, Charles and Robert the lab assistants
  • London School of Tropical Medicine, 7th Session group portrait, including Sir Patrick Manson, J.T. Bradley, B.G. Brock, J. Ritchie Brown, C.W. Daniels, D. M. Ford, A.L.N. MacLean, R.N. Moffatt, A. Terzi, Rev. A.P. Tjellstrom, J.P. Tullock, P. Michelli, T.E. Rice, P.T. Manson (different from Sir Patrick Manson), Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, Robert (lab assistant.
  • John Patch. Engraving by E. A. Ezekiel, 1789, after J. Opie.
  • John Patch. Colour engraving by E. A. Ezekiel, 1789, after J. Opie.
  • A poor Savoyard woman surrounded by her children, one of whom she is breast-feeding. Engraving by N. de Larmessin III, 1746, after J.B.M. Pierre.
  • A poor Savoyard woman surrounded by her children, one of whom she is breast-feeding. Engraving by N. de Larmessin III, 1746, after J.B.M. Pierre.
  • Jean Calvin on his deathbed, with eight men in attendance. Lithograph by Jacott, 1850.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata of Christ from a seraph; two angels beside him. Etching by C. Alberti, 1577.
  • London School of Tropical Medicine, 31st session.
  • London School of Tropical Medicine, 71st Session.
  • Group photograph of phisiologists at University College.