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31 results
  • Cybele, Bacchus, Ceres and Flora on a chariot drawn by lions surrounded by all forms of natural abundance and cherubs, symbolising the element earth. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Venus riding a scallop shell chariot over the seas accompanied by Neptune, nymphs and cherubs, symbolising the element water. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Juno in a chariot drawn by two peacocks flying through the sky surrounded by nymphs and cherubs, Jupiter on the ground trying to lock up a group of putti: symbolising the element air. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • Vulcan in his forge with Jupiter throwing bolts of lightning, Venus in the sky above: symbolising the element fire. Engraving by E. Baudet, 1695, after F. Albani.
  • A treaty between Louis XIV of France (left, attended by Cardinal Mazarin), and Philip IV of Spain. Stipple engraving with etching by E. Jeaurat after C. Le Brun, 1728.
  • A cross-section of the wax model of an equestrian statue of Louis XIV: showing the core all surrounded by broken bricks, with an illustration of the whole model encased in a plaster mould, covered with an iron net. Engraving by R. Bénard.
  • Saint John the Baptist. Engraving by S. de La Vallée after Raphael.
  • Saint George: he attacks the dragon with his sword. Engraving by N. de Larmessin after Raphael.
  • Christ healing two blind men outside Jericho. Engraving by G. Chasteau after N. Poussin.
  • The Académie des Sciences, Paris: two medals. Line engraving.
  • The aldermen of Paris reviewing plans for a statue of King Louis XIV; behind, seen in a mirror, the banquet held in 1687 to celebrate the recovery of the king from illness. Line engraving by P. Chenu after C.N. Cochin after N. de Largillière.
  • The aldermen of Paris reviewing plans for a statue of King Louis XIV; behind, seen in a mirror, the banquet held in 1687 to celebrate the recovery of the king from illness. Line engraving by P. Chenu after C.N. Cochin after N. de Largillière.
  • King Louis XIV is crowned with a garland while the 'Dictionaire de l'academie françoise' is celebrated with flowers by three women aided by genii. Engraving by J. Mariette and G. Edelinck, 1694, after J.B. Corneille.
  • James II and Louis XIV and their allies portrayed as inmates of a lunatic asylum. Etching by R. de Hooghe, 1688.
  • James II and Louis XIV and their allies portrayed as inmates of a lunatic asylum. Etching by R. de Hooghe, 1688.
  • King Louis XIV in bed, having been told that the rumour of King William III's death was untrue, is treated by physicians and surgeons representing different nations. Etching by P. Bouttats., c. 1690.
  • King Louis XIV in bed, having been told that the rumour of King William III's death was untrue, is treated by physicians and surgeons representing different nations. Etching by P. Bouttats., c. 1690.
  • King Louis XIV in bed, having been told that the rumour of King William III's death was untrue, is treated by physicians and surgeons representing different nations. Etching by P. Bouttats., c. 1690.
  • A woman being bled by one man while another holds her arm, two dogs lap up her blood; representing France in the grip of Louis XIV and Cardinal Richelieu, while the financiers drain her resources. Engraving.
  • A woman being bled by one man while another holds her arm, two dogs lap up her blood; representing France in the grip of Louis XIV and Cardinal Richelieu, while the financiers drain her resources. Engraving.
  • Esther swoons before Ahasuerus. Engraving by J. Audran after A. Coypel.
  • King Louis XIV receives an enema while sitting on a globe of the earth, thus besmearing it with ordure; around him, chaos reigns; symbolising the events following the Protestant rebellions of 1674 including the flight of the royal family from England in 1689. Engraving by R. de Hooghe, c. 1689.
  • King Louis XIV receives an enema while sitting on a globe of the earth, thus besmearing it with ordure; around him, chaos reigns; symbolising the events following the Protestant rebellions of 1674 including the flight of the royal family from England in 1689. Engraving by R. de Hooghe, c. 1689.
  • 'Philijpÿn' helps a donkey to vomit while a 'Doctor Financier' examines a urine sample;; representing the state of Spain under the monarchy of King Philip V. Etching attributed to A. Allard, 1711.
  • William of Orange attacks Louis XIV and James II, who are riding on an ass; Father Petre, confessor to the queen of England, rides on a lobster with the infant Old Pretender; Cardinal Faustenburg falls off a tortoise. Mezzotint by P. Schenck, c. 1689.
  • Chateau de Versailles by P. Menant.
  • Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, kneeling before the guillotine next to her confessor on the day of her execution, 16 October 1793. Line engraving with etching, 1815.
  • Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, kneeling before the guillotine next to her confessor on the day of her execution, 16 October 1793. Line engraving with etching, 1815.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi receiving the stigmata from Christ on the cross; friar in the foreground. Engraving by L.E. Vorsterman after P.P. Rubens, 1618.
  • Wax models of the head and neck (figs 1-3), and of the right hemisphere of the brain (figs 4-5), made by G. G. Zumbo. Engraving by J. Robert after M. Basseporte, 1749.