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11 results
  • Henry Bence Jones. Wood engraving by R. & E. Taylor, 1873, after T.D. Scott.
  • Henry Bence Jones. Wood engraving by R. & E. Taylor, 1873, after T.D. Scott.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • Medical world : gallery of contemporaries in the field of medical science / author: Anton Mansch.
  • The byrth of mankynde, newly translated out of Laten into Englysshe. : In the which is entreated of all suche thynges the which chaunce to women in theyr labor, and all suche infyrmitees whiche happen vnto the infantes after they be delyuered. And also at the latter ende o in the thyrde or last boke is entreated of the conception of mankynde, and howe manye wayes it may be letted or furtheryd, with diuers other fruytefull thynges, as doth appere in the table before the booke.