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104 results
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • A blown up condom bearing the letters 'F.N.O.' on a textile background, an advertisement by the Real AIDS Grazer Kunst Verein. Colour lithograph by Matthias Herrmann, 1993.
  • A young woman taking a boy to school introduces him to the school master in the schoolroom. Wood engraving after Ludwig Bassini.
  • A Native American man offering a pink condom to a couple with a message to use condoms to avoid the spread of AIDS; advertisement by the Seattle Indian Health Board. Lithograph by Stewart Tilger and Christine P. Salvador.
  • The side profile of the face of Brian, a black man with speech bubbles containing a conversation with Radjin about how quick it is to put on condoms; advertisement for safe sex by the N.I.A.D. (Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs). Colour lithograph by Laren, Tadberg Design.
  • A variety of Native Indian accessories and musical instruments with a warning to get children hooked on cultural pastimes rather than let them get involved in teen pregnancy, drugs and alcohol that can lead to AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases; advertisement by the Seattle Indian Health Board. Colour lithograph by Stewart Tilger and Christine P. Salvador.
  • The side profile of the face of Gladys, a black woman with red lips with speech bubbles containing a conversation with Steve about the use of condoms; advertisement for safe sex by the N.I.A.D. (Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs). Colour lithograph by Laren, Tadberg Design.
  • Le miroir des urines : par lesquelles on voit & connoît les différens tempéramens, les humeurs dominantes, les siéges & les causes des maladies d'un chacun / suivant les longues expériences du sieur Davach de la Riviere.
  • Le miroir des urines : par lesquelles on voit & connoît les différens tempéramens, les humeurs dominantes, les siéges & les causes des maladies d'un chacun / suivant les longues expériences du sieur Davach de la Riviere.
  • The side profile of the face of Feroz, a black man with a moustache with speech bubbles containing a conversation with Carlo about the use of condoms; advertisement for safe sex by the N.I.A.D. (Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs). Colour lithograph by Laren, Tadberg Design.
  • Primitiæ gnomonicæ catoptricæ, hoc est horologiographiæ nouæ specularis in qua breuiter noua, certa, exacta, & facilis demonstratur horologiorum per reflexi luminis radium construendorum methodus. Item qua ratione prædicto reflexi luminis radio, in qualibet quantumuis irregulari muri superficie, in interioribus domorum, aliisque locis obscuris, & vmbrosis, cum horologia omnis generis, tùm omnium circulorum, qui in primo mobili considerari possunt, proiecturæ, & curuæ sectorum conorum lineæ, processus solis, & lunæ in planis indices, aliáque plurima scitu digna repræsentari possint, variè docetur / authore R.P. Athanasio Kircher Buchonio.
  • The front of the smaller church and the main entrance of the monastery of Mount Verna. Engraving attributed to D. Falcini after J. Ligozzi, ca. 1612.
  • The front of the smaller church and the main entrance of the monastery of Mount Verna. Engraving attributed to D. Falcini after J. Ligozzi, ca. 1612.
  • Cissy, a sex worker and her charges. Etching by a follower of Wenceslaus Hollar.
  • Pompeii: the Stabian baths, a view of the interior, with decorated ceilings. Photograph by Alinari, 1931.
  • The swarms of flies; Moses and Pharoah. Engraving by N. Besanzon after A. Martinez.
  • Group portrait, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, 1904
  • Gloucester smallpox epidemic, 1896: George Steel, a smallpox patient. Photograph by H.C.F., 1896.
  • Tivoli, Italy: the baths at Hadrian's Villa, a view of the ruins. Photograph by Alinari, 1931.
  • The Key to unknowne knowledge. Or, a shop of five windowes ... Consisting of five necessarie treatises: namely, 1. The Judgement of urines. 2. Judiciall rules of physicke. 3. Questions of oyles. 4. Opinions for curing of harquebush-shot. 5. A discourse of humane nature.
  • The Key to unknowne knowledge. Or, a shop of five windowes ... Consisting of five necessarie treatises: namely, 1. The Judgement of urines. 2. Judiciall rules of physicke. 3. Questions of oyles. 4. Opinions for curing of harquebush-shot. 5. A discourse of humane nature.
  • Feroz
  • Photograph: 'E.S.O.' Chloroform apparatus.
  • The face of a young gay man with the words in French "Boys between them" and "desire, love and sexuality" representing an advertisment for the Association des Jeunes Contre le SIDA (A.J.C.S.) and S.N.E.G. [Syndicat National des Entreprise Gay (Paris, France)]. Lithograph.
  • Jane Seymour, in her 25th year. Engraving by R. Cooper after H. Holbein the younger, 18--.
  • A nude figure seen from the back with a spinal column of eighteen vertebrae exposed, with the nerves that radiate from it visible. Process print, 1926, after a manuscript illustration, 1345.