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171 results
  • Nurse Tremlow (name unconfirmed), a monthly nurse to gentry and royal households, in retirement, with photographs of her employers. Photograph, 19--.
  • A mechanical housemaid constructed from pieces of household equipment. Engraving by G. Bickham the younger.
  • A man holding a peacock feather and a gold fan, with a woman holding a spear. Gouache, 18--.
  • An ill man being visited by a suspicious looking man. Coloured lithograph.
  • A doctor taking the pulse of a grave looking patient, his servant holds a bottle and bowl. Reproduction of a wood engraving.
  • An invalid in bed groaning at his servant's grammatical error. Wood engraving by C. Keene, 1880.
  • A corpulent gentleman with indigestion. Line engraving, c. 18th century.
  • A wealthy man at his dinner table is offered a clyster by a servant. Lithograph by Tal-Zar.
  • A priest taking morning tea with a lady in her boudoir: a maidservant stands in the background. Engraving by Remi Parr after N. Lancret.
  • A maid playing with a baby on her knee points out its curly hair to the visiting doctor; he replies that the mother was in curling tongs when she gave birth. Process print after J-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • A black man stands in the office of a white lawyer whose servant he is, while across the road is the pharmacy where he had previously been a servant. Engraving, 1805.
  • Chubdah or running footman and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A tooth-drawer extracting a tooth from a patient who virtually falls off his chair in pain, a servant hovers in the background. Etching.
  • Two black domestic servants in European dress. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • A woman stealing some sugar by emptying it into her pocket is discovered by a manservant of the household. Wood engraving by Swain & Co..
  • A physician is examining a boil on a woman servant's arm, and asks if she has had boils in any other places: she replies that she has, but that there were also Jewish people there. Lithograph after F. Jüttner, 1909.
  • A doctor recommending a specific diet to his obese patient's servant. Wood engraving by G. Browne, 1899.
  • Two maids confer on whether to 'refresh' a sick man even further by putting cold water into his enema. Lithograph by Cham, c. 1840.
  • A pretty maid carrying drinking chocolate on a tray. Stipple engraving by A. H. Payne after Liotard, c. 1743.
  • A wealthy Chinese man sits at home smoking: two servants stand nearby. Coloured aquatint by T. & W. Daniell, c. 1810.
  • A torch-bearer and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A good servant, represented as a hybrid creature combining a man, a pig, an ass and a deer, carrying cleaning implements and having a padlocked mouth. Engraving after J. Hoskins.
  • A maid puts a key down a man's shirt to stop his nosebleed. Lithograph, c. 1835-1841.
  • A good servant, represented as a hybrid creature combining a man, a pig, an ass and a deer, carrying cleaning implements and having a padlocked mouth. Engraving, 1749, after J. Hoskins.
  • A gouty man in a Bath chair out shooting with his dogs, his black servant sniggers behind him. Engraving.
  • A convalescing man happily eating a meal, assisted by his grinning servant. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804, after J. Sneyd.
  • A convalescing man happily eating a meal, assisted by his grinning servant. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804, after J. Sneyd.
  • A convalescing man happily eating a meal, assisted by his grinning servant. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804, after J. Sneyd.
  • A disgruntled gouty man ringing a bell for his servant who is just leaving the room. Etching.
  • A London linen-draper's assistant reveals his true identity: he is not "Horatio Sparkins", an aristocratic man about town, but Mr Smith, an assistant in a down-market shop. Etching by George Cruikshank, 1839.