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241 results
  • A young woman sits and listens with scorn to a man's declarations of love. Mezzotint by James Wilson after C. Troost.
  • A woman withdrawing her foot in outrage from the care of a corn-cutter who has pretensions to be called a chiropodist. Coloured engraving, 1793.
  • A woman withdrawing her foot in outrage from the care of a corn-cutter who has pretensions to be called a chiropodist. Coloured engraving, 1793.
  • A nobleman and an alderman sit at a table neggotiating a marriage settlement between the son of the former and the daughter of the latter. Engraving by Louis Gérard Scotin after William Hogarth, 1745.
  • The countess's levee: a barber dresses her hair while she converses with Silvertongue, her lawyer. Engraving by Simon François Ravenet after W. Hogarth, 1745.
  • A nurse gives a man an enema. Colour line engraving by C.J.D. Eisen after himself, 1762.
  • A peripatetic medicine vendor entering a house in the Netherlands. Watercolour by R. Craeyvanger, 1866.
  • A peripatetic medicine vendor entering a house in the Netherlands. Watercolour by R. Craeyvanger, 1866.
  • A peeping-tom spying on a fashionable lady receiving an enema. Reproduction of a line engraving after P. Maleuvre after P.A. Baudouin.
  • A peeping-tom spying on a fashionable lady receiving an enema. Reproduction of a line engraving after P. Maleuvre after P.A. Baudouin.
  • A woman suffering the pain of colic; illustrated by demons tugging on a rope wound around her stomach. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1819, after Captain F. Marryat.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • A gouty man suffering with a painfully enlarged foot; presented by demons prodding it with arrows. Coloured etching, 1814.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • A man in pain receiving medicines from a housemaid. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson.
  • A man in pain receiving medicines from a housemaid. Watercolour by T. Rowlandson.
  • A carbuncled woman retiring to bed; creating a satirical figure of female vanity. Coloured wood engraving.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • Interior of a surgery with a surgeon treating a wound in the arm of a man, with a boy and five other figures. Oil painting by Matthijs Naiveu.
  • A young man, in the presence of his father, is examined by an academic for admission to university. Etching by J. Williams, 1772, after H.W. Bunbury.
  • A gentlemen pays an unexpected call on a lady friend only to discover she is in the middle of having an enema. Line engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1786, after N. Lafrensen the younger.
  • A doctor being tricked into drinking his own medicine. Engraving, 1784.
  • A young man, in the presence of his father, is examined by an academic for admission to university. Etching by J. Bretherton after H.W. Bunbury.
  • A gentlemen pays an unexpected call on a lady friend only to discover she is in the middle of having an enema. Line engraving by F. Dequevauviller, 1786, after N. Lafrensen the younger.
  • A quack doctor treating her patient's chilblains. Engraving after H.B. Bunbury.
  • Two doctors quarreling while their patient deteriorates. Coloured engraving by I. Cruikshank, 1794.
  • Two doctors quarreling while their patient deteriorates. Coloured engraving by I. Cruikshank, 1794.
  • A doctor holding death at bay from his patient: illustrated by him squirting a syringe at a skeletal figure entering via the window. Line engraving by N. Goodnight, 1787, after S. Collings.
  • A doctor holding death at bay from his patient: illustrated by him squirting a syringe at a skeletal figure entering via the window. Line engraving by N. Goodnight, 1787, after S. Collings.