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  • The battle of the pictures: between an auction house and Hogarth's studio, old master paintings are lined up in ranks outnumbering and attacking Hogarth's contemporary counterparts. Etching by W. Hogarth.
  • Hudibras confronts with a pistol a club-wielding crowd, including Crowdero the fiddler with a peg leg, Talgot the butcher, and Orsin with his bear. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • Four judges in heavy wigs, two of them are fast asleep. Etching by W. Hogarth.
  • A crowd of spectators wait as Tom Idle is driven in a cart with his coffin to his place of execution and the gallows. Engraving by William Hogarth, 1747.
  • A poor London street strewn with hopeless drunkards and lined with gin shops and a flourishing pawnbroker. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • Don Quixote with a lance riding a horse attacks a barber. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • Ralpho hangs a violin above a pair of stocks as Hudibras leads his captive Crowderos, his hands tied behind his back; a weeping woman and a child with a hoop look on. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • A busy street corner with traders stopping for a tankard of beer and an artist painting a pub sign. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • The piazza outside St Paul's church, Covent Garden, London, full of people selling their wares: a man is holding a placard advertising the products of Doctor Rock, a medicine vendor, and is holding up a bottle of the medicine. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1738.
  • Hudibras addresses a lawyer who sits in an elaborately decorated pew next to a shelf full of books; two clerks sit beneath. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • Four figures including the knight of the rock, Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, a goatherd and a goat. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • Richard Mead. Reproduction of drawing, 1888, after W. Hogarth.
  • A woman helps to adjust a dress worn by the curate as the barber examines his reflection in a mirror with a beard, in a room furnished with a set of antlers over the door. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, his lover (Sarah Young) cries at the spectacle while two attendants attach chains to his legs; they are surrounded by other lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1735.
  • James Figg the  pugilist on stage holding his sword. Etching..
  • Moll Hackabout, dressed in fine clothes, is beating hemp, used for making rope, with a mallet, in a prison with other inmates who are mostly prostitutes. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • A coach stopping in the courtyard of John Shaw's "Ram Inn" in Cirencester. Etching after W. Hogarth.
  • In a lady's bedchamber a young woman struggles as a man pulls her towards him clutching at her dress. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1736, after himself.
  • A busy street corner with traders stopping for a tankard of beer and an artist painting a pub sign. Engraving, c. 1751, after W. Hogarth.
  • Wrapped in "sweating" blankets and close to the fire Moll Hackabout nears death as two doctors argue. Engraving by William Hogarth.
  • A coffin containing the body of Moll Hackabout surrounded by a parson and other so-called mourners. Engraving after William Hogarth.
  • An explosion in a laboratory. Oil painting after W. Hogarth.
  • A choir of men and boys rehearsing a performance of an oratorio. Etching by W. Hogarth, 1736.
  • Tom Idle and a prostitute sit on a broken bed in a garret. Idle is startled by a cat falling down the chimney, but the prostitute is unmoved and admires a stolen earring. Engraving by Thomas Cook after William Hogarth, 1795.
  • Dr. Ranby's house in Chiswick. Etching after W. Hogarth.
  • An episode from a farce in the theatre: three men and two women engaged in a dispute with one man pointing at the guilty-looking young woman at the front. Etching after W. Hogarth.
  • An insane man (Tom Rakewell) sits on the floor manically grasping at his head, his lover (Sarah Young) cries at the spectacle while two attendants attach chains to his legs; they are surrounded by other lunatics at Bethlem hospital, London. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1763.
  • An ill man seated by a fireplace vomiting into a bowl. Pencil drawing.
  • A shield containing a group portrait of various doctors and quacks, including Mrs Mapp, Dr. Joshua Ward and John Taylor. Engraving after W. Hogarth, 1736.
  • The enraged musician: a street crowd with a ballad singer is creating such a noise that the musician in the window has to put his hands over his ears. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1741.