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416 results
  • Durga slaying the Buffalo demon depicted on a stand and surmounted on a torana decorated with smaller figures of demon kings and Hindu gods. Transfer lithograph.
  • Standing marble figure of Vishnu, god of the Hindu triad
  • The Hindu god Brahma, with four heads. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Manmatha (Kamadeva), Hindu god of love, shooting arrows with his bow. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Kartikeya, also called Murugan, Hindu god of war, standing in front of a peacock. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Kartikeya, also called Murugan, Hindu god of war, standing in front of a peacock and holding a spear. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Manmatha (Kamadeva), Hindu god of love, shooting arrows with his bow while sitting on a elephant composed of women. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Brass figure of Jvara with three heads and legs and six arms. Jvara is said to be the god of malarial fever. Probably a Hindu village deity.
  • Kartikeya, also called Murugan, Hindu god of war, surrounded by a circle of peacock feathers, accompanied by his wives Valli and Devasena. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Narasimha, a lion avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, emerges from a split stone pillar, holding his devotee Prahlada while vanquishing the demon Hiranyakashipu underfoot. Painting by an Indian artist.
  • Devi, the wife of the Hindu God Siva. Goddess has two forms, one mild and the other fierce. Here she is depicted in the form of fierce, when she is known as Durga or Kali.
  • Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti: folio 1 verso
  • Kali holding a demon's head. Watercolour.
  • Bilvamangala's Balagopalastuti; folio 2 verso
  • Krishna milking a cow while the calf looks. Watercolour drawing.
  • Two men carrying a captured monkey tied to a pole, possibly Hanuman. Watercolour drawing.
  • Shiva and his symbols. Watercolour drawing.
  • Radha and Krishna on a lotus flower. Watercolour drawing.
  • Shiva carrying his wife in her Sakti form. Watercolour drawing.
  • Shiva begging from Annapurna. Watercolour drawing.
  • Shiva begging from Annapurna. Watercolour drawing.
  • A distraught Shiva carrying the body of his wife. Watercolour drawing.
  • Ganesha enthroned holding his symbols with his rat. Watercolour drawing.
  • Krishna steering a peacock-headed boat carrying five women. Watercolour drawing.
  • Vasudeva carrying a baby Krishna encountering a cobra and jackal. Watercolour drawing.
  • A goddess on a flowering plant holding a baby elephant, could either be Lakshmi or Parvati. Watercolour drawing.
  • Rāma and Sītā being carried in the beak of Jatayu. Watercolour drawing, c. 1880.
  • Parvati enthroned nursing Ganesha. Watercolour drawing.
  • Garuda carrying two identical figures possibly Krishna and Balarama. Watercolour drawing.
  • Radha and Krishna. Watercolour drawing.