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24 results
  • Horse in head collar
  • Horse with head collar and bridle
  • Horse with head collar - restraint maximised
  • Correct handling of a foal with head collar
  • Vet putting his hand on horse's head collar
  • The heads and shoulders of four women and a lace collar: the upper two women wear hats decorated with flowers and ribbons, the lower two wear lace head-dresses. Coloured line block by A. Chaillot after E. Jecqueurs.
  • The heads and shoulders of five women: the upper two wear fancy hats with feathers, the central figure is hatless and wears an ornate lace collar, and the lower two wear head-dresses. Coloured line block by P. Lacouriere.
  • Slaves in Madagascar subjected to physical punishment: (left) a boy wearing a heavy iron collar is carrying a heavy piece of wood; (right) a woman with her head in a cangue is carrying a basket. Wood engraving after W. Ellis, 1858.
  • Above left, a tiger (?) restrained with a collar and a cloth over its head; left, a man on crutches steps over a sleeping man; centre, a man fans a stove on which a kettle is placed, watched by a man (right) kneeling by a cabinet (?); above right, an old woman sharpens (?) a knife. Coloured woodcut by Hokusai, 1834.
  • The heads and shoulders of five women wearing their hair dressed with flowers, butterflies, feathers, jewellery and a hat; two bodices with embroidery and four collars. Coloured line block, 1863, by Thiery (?).
  • Vet holds horse's tongue in the correct way
  • A Hanoverian prince on his deathbed. Gouache, 1794 (?).
  • A tailor and his wife are assisting two men into suits of clothing, although the clothes are ill-fitting. Etching.
  • Acu-moxa chart, front of the head, Chinese woodcut
  • A large man is sitting on a chair by a table while a woman pours tea out of the teapot, seeming to miss the cups as they and the young woman standing behind the chair are engaged in conversation. Etching by Phillips.
  • A nurse attending the wounded in a Soviet military hospital. Oil painting by Sophia Uranova, ca. 1962.
  • A nurse attending the wounded in a Soviet military hospital. Oil painting by Sophia Uranova, ca. 1962.
  • A nurse attending the wounded in a Soviet military hospital. Oil painting by Sophia Uranova, ca. 1962.
  • Peking, China: a seated Manchu lady wearing a coiffure. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Peking, China: a seated Manchu lady wearing a coiffure. Photograph by John Thomson, 1869.
  • Nine male prisoners In Yemen wearing leg irons. Process print.
  • A man with goitre. Chalk drawing by J. de Ribera.
  • A man with goitre. Chalk drawing by J. de Ribera.
  • Personifications of medicine, pharmacy and surgery. Oil painting after (?) Nicolas de Larmessin.