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11 results
  • Joseph Nollekens arranges a bust of William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville, between busts of William Pitt the younger and Charles James Fox, in a display of sculptures. Etching by J. Sayers, 1808.
  • William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville, dispensing Roman Catholic tracts from a balloon to the people of Oxford; representing his installation as Chancellor of Oxford University. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1810.
  • Lord Grenville, Prime Minister and leader of the Broad Bottoms faction, meets Sarah Baartman, the "Hottentot Venus": on account of their similar body-mass, a dynastic marriage is considered. Coloured etching attributed to W. Heath, 1810.
  • The "Ministry of all the Talents", personified by Charles James Fox, promising to convey John Bull towards the promised land, but really to hell. Coloured etching by James Gillray, 1806.
  • The "Ministry of all the Talents", personified by Charles James Fox, promising to convey John Bull towards the promised land, but really to hell. Coloured etching by James Gillray, 1806.
  • A triumphant American slave woman representing quassia (ingredient in acoholic drinks) is carried aloft by two brewers; representing the outcry against a tax on private brewing (?). Etching by J. Gillray, 1806.
  • Conferment of degrees on the Tsar and the King of Prussia at Oxford in 1814. Coloured engraving.
  • John Bull as a patient, in disarray, reclines on a sofa and receives medical treatment from politicians. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1813.
  • John Bull as the patient of promotors of competing therapies; representing British parliamentary reform. Aquatint by S. de Wilde, 1809.
  • Charles James Fox, dangerously ill, visited by an entourage of interested factions; representing the social and ministerial conflict surrounding him. Aquatint after J. Gillray, 1806.
  • Charles James Fox, dangerously ill, visited by an entourage of interested factions; representing the social and ministerial conflict surrounding him. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1806.