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17 results
  • A group of people around a piano, while children play games. Process print after Maude Goodman.
  • Mrs Charles Wood. Wax relief by R.C. Lucas.
  • A dog (Brutus) hiding behind a door in a barn while another dog sits outside the door. Etching by T. Landseer, 1824, after E. Landseer.
  • Jephthah's daughter contemplating her virginity and her imminent death, surrounded by woeful attendants with musical instruments. Engraving by P. Lightfoot, 1846, after H. O'Neil.
  • A group of children holding song books and singing. Process print after Marie Seymour Lucas.
  • Thomas Bell. Mezzotint by G. Zobel after Taples.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • The last moments of W.A. Mozart. Oil painting by or after H.N. O'Neil.
  • Sir John Fisher. Oil painting by John Prescott Knight, 1842.
  • Sir John Fisher. Oil painting by John Prescott Knight, 1842.
  • A woman school teacher sits at a table with a book in her hand and a basket of needlework on the floor. Engraving by Charles Heath, 1844, after Richard Redgrave, 1843.
  • The dancing faun. Pencil drawing by R. Earlom.
  • Venus visits Aesculapius to ask him to remove a thorn from her foot. Collotype after Sir E.J. Poynter, ca. 1880.
  • Venus visits Aesculapius to ask him to remove a thorn from her foot. Colour process print after Sir E.J. Poynter.