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37 results
  • Opium lettuce (Lactuca virosa): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Wood avens (Geum urbanum): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Monkshood (Aconitum napellus): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Greater celandine (Chelidonium majus): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Thorn-apple or Jamestown weed (Datura stramonium): entire flowering and fruiting plant. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Bird's foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and common vetch (Lathyrus pratensis): entire flowering plants. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) and groundsel (Senecio vulgaris): entire flowering plants.
  • Two flowering plants: burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) and lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris). Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Two flowering plants: sage (Salvia officinalis) and meadow sage (Salvia pratensis). Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Comfrey (Symphytum asperrimum): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Red poppy (Papaver rhoeas): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Enchanter's nightshade (Circaea lutetiana): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • White lupin (Lupinus albus): entire flowering plant with pod. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Two flowering plants: meadow saxifrage (Saxifraga granulata) and wall pepper or stonecrop (Sedum acre).
  • Charlock (Sinapsis arvensis) and cuckoo flower (Cardamine pratensis): entire flowering plants. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Two plants, holy thistle (Silybum marianum) and Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense): flowering and fruiting stems. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Two types of buttercup (Ranunculus species): entire flowering plants. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale): entire flowering and fruiting plants. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Dyer's rocket (Reseda luteola): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Yellow loosetrife (Lysimachia vulgaris) and scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis): flowering stems. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Oregano (Origanum vulgare) and ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea): entire flowering plants. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • A type of buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Fumitory (Fumaria officinalis): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by A. Duménil, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Rest-harrow (Ononis repens): entire flowering plant. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Two plants, Spanish broom (Spartium junceum) and gorse (Ulex europaeus): flowering and fruiting stems. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Two plants, a knapweed (Centaurea jacea) and star-thistle (Centaurea calcitrapa): flowering and fruiting stems. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.
  • Kingcups (Caltha palustris) and pasque-flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris): entire flowering plants. Coloured etching by C. Pierre, c. 1865, after P. Naudin.