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701 results
  • Sarcoma springing from the surface of the lower extremity of a femur
  • Man with remarkable cartilaginous development in his true skin
  • Tertiary, tubercular, ulcerating syphilide on the face of a child
  • Laryngoscopic view of a constriction of the naso-pharyngeal aperture
  • Pustular eruption on the hand of a man suffering from glanders
  • Elbow joint deformed by osteo-arthitis in a patient with tabes dorsalis
  • Face of a man with peculiar staining of the skin, caused by melanotic sarcomata
  • Face of a woman who had been affected with myxoedema for seven years
  • Mucous patch on the tongue of a man suffering from secondary syphilis
  • Epithelioma of the tongue, fauces and upper part of the larynx
  • Forearm of a man with an eruption believed to be the result of an infection derived from a horse
  • Larynx and adjacent structures showing effects of syphilitic disease
  • Stomach and intestine from a case of poisoning by liquor ammoniae
  • Great vessels at the base of the neck showing an irregular course of the innominate artery
  • Girl with a fibrous tumour of the anterior surface of the left cornea
  • Blood extravasated into the substance of the cerebral hemisphere and into the ventricles of the brain
  • Mucous patch on the tongue of a child with congenital syphilis
  • Child's head with depressed fracture of the parietal bone and subsequently a hernia cerebri
  • Mucous patches on the tongue of a man suffering from secondary syphilis
  • Discolouration of the integuments of the leg associated with purpura
  • Face of a man with herpetiform syphilide and enlarged cervical glands
  • Fissured and atrophied tongue
  • Medullary growth involving the bones of the skull and pericranium
  • Softening of the spinal cord as the result of a fracture of the cervical vertebra
  • Left forearm of a wax-refiner who had a large recurrent epitheliomatous growth
  • Dissected left knee joint of a patient with osteo-arthritis and locomotor ataxia
  • Liver with depressions on its surface caused by beading of the ribs due to rickets
  • Dissected hip joint showing a recent dislocation of the femur backwards
  • Trophic changes in the hand of a patient whose median nerve was divided
  • Typhoid ulceration of the small intestine, in an early stage of the disease