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158 results
  • Glaxo Laboratories Ltd. Greenford, Middlesex, England : manufacturers of penicillin foods and pharmaceuticals.
  • Glaxo Laboratories Ltd. Greenford, Middlesex, England : manufacturers of penicillin foods and pharmaceuticals.
  • Ostermilk and Farex build regular custom- as well as sturdy infants / Glaxo Laboratories Ltd.
  • 3 nuevas preparaciónes de Glaxo : Premenostril, regulador de la tensión premenstrual : Ammenostril, regulador de la amenorrea : Menostril, regulador del síndrome menopáusico / Glaxo Laboratories Ltd., Greenford, Inglaterra.
  • 3 nuevas preparaciónes de Glaxo : Premenostril, regulador de la tensión premenstrual : Ammenostril, regulador de la amenorrea : Menostril, regulador del síndrome menopáusico / Glaxo Laboratories Ltd., Greenford, Inglaterra.
  • El pez piloto ... Estopen ... : NO es lo mismo, ni se "receta" igual ... Suavitil ... clorhidrato de benactizina en tabletas azucaradas de 1 mgm / Glaxo Laboratories Ltd.
  • El pez piloto ... Estopen ... : NO es lo mismo, ni se "receta" igual ... Suavitil ... clorhidrato de benactizina en tabletas azucaradas de 1 mgm / Glaxo Laboratories Ltd.
  • The reconstructive tonic for children......Syrup Minadex.
  • Display will repay : keep on creating a big stir with Glucodin : energy by the spoonful!.
  • Always on the move... : Glaxo antibiotic products are inexpensive to stock and always on the move from your shelves ...
  • Glaxo brief : growing clinical evidence strenthens the case for Ceporin : broad-spectrum, bactericidal antibiotic.
  • Soothe that pain with Anethaine.
  • Glaxo breakthrough in antibiotic treatment : Ceporin : truly bactericidal really broad spectrum.
  • We are now in the Adexolin season.
  • When time is short Crystamycin may be decisive.
  • Glaxo breakthrough in antibiotic treatment : Ceporin : truly bactericidal really broad spectrum.
  • Never too early : ...never too late... : to take Adexolin.
  • Casilan.
  • Which is the high-protein diet?.
  • Preparing for winter protection : Adexolin.
  • When winter heads in your direction Adexolin daily gives extra protection against coughs, colds and other infection.
  • Casilan.
  • One injection up to 4 days of adequate penicillin activity : Benapen.
  • One injection up to 4 days of adequate penicillin activity : Benapen.
  • Principles of penicillin therapy : the therapeutic objective in all cases - to kill the infection with penicillin.
  • In minutes : pain relief for hours : Anethaine Ointment.
  • Principles of penicillin therapy : the therapeutic objective in all cases - to kill the infection with penicillin.
  • Oral penicillin for the great mass of patients : Crystapen G.
  • Oral penicillin for the great mass of patients : Crystapen G.
  • Syrup Minadex : reconstructive tonic for children.