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122 results
  • Two male gay couples and two heterosexual couples embrace representing safe sex and AIDS; advertisment about information on HIV/AIDS by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Lithograph by Warwick May.
  • Numerous gay couples wearing condoms and commenting on their benefits in AIDS prevention. Colour lithograph for the Österreichische AIDS-Hilfe.
  • The faces of five gay couples within the letters of the word 'Kondom' repeated; representing a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Helseutvalget For Homofile, the Norwegian Gay and Health Committte. Lithograph by Fin-Serck-Hanssen and Tron Hirsti, ca. 1995.
  • Gay male couples coupling with condom silhouettes along the bottom; advertisement for peace, love and safer sex by AIDES with the help of l'Agence Française de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph by Pierre-Yves Perez, 1994.
  • Events in June 1995 (?) available by the Schwulenberatung, gay counselling service in Berlin including sessions on homeopathy and HIV, psychotherapy for HIV and AIDS, gay couples and a workshop entitled "Fool, death and the devil". Photocopy, ca. 1995.
  • Kissing lesbian and gay couples lined up vertically along a pier with the sea either side and a horizon featuring the logo of the Cruzando Fonteras [crossing borders]; an advertisement for the International Week of Gay Liberation in Torremolinos and Malaga from 12th to 28th June [1995?]; coordinated by the Colega Gays y Lesbianas de Andalucía. Colour lithograph by Petí Comití, ca. 1995.
  • The black silhouettes of gay male and female couples engaged in different sexual positions representing an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS and HIV by Spitnac, Societal Projects Information Training Networking and Consultancy Services. Colour lithograph, 1997?.
  • A heterosexual couple, a gay couple, and a lesbian couple with a latex glove, condom and lubricant representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Charlie Pizzarello, 1993.
  • A gay couple, a heterosexual couple and a lesbian couple with a latex glove, condom and lubricant representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Charlie Pizzarello, 1993.
  • A lesbian couple, a gay couple and a heterosexual couple all holding condoms and lubricant and gloves representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Health Crisis. Colour lithograph by Charlie Pizzarello, 1993.
  • Relations de couple : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Relations de couple : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Relations de couple : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Relations de couple : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • A couple of male and a couple of female symbols dancing, representing a party provided by AIDS-Hilfe Flensburg e. V. and by lesbian and gay organizations. Colour lithograph, 1994.
  • A gay couple with their heads together; advertising safe sex, by the New Zealand AIDS Foundation. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • A gay couple cutting their wedding cake; a safe sex and AIDS prevention advertisement for gay and bisexual men by the Landsforeningen for Bøsser og Lesbiske. Lithograph by Robin Skjoldborg, ca. 1995.
  • Mug shots of men, a woman and a gay couple representing an advertisement for 'Cuídate '95', the "Look after yourself '95" AIDS prevention campaign by the Coordinadora gai-lesbiana. Colour lithograph by Ricard Marin and Louis Pastoor, 1995.
  • The repeated words 'the right move' against a hazy image of a couple in bed representing an advertisement for safe sex by the Gay Men's Outreach Crew. Colour lithograph by Bradley Brechin.
  • An embracing Asian gay couple sheltering from the rain beneath a tree against which stands a discarded sword and a deer; advertisement for The Naz Project to support Asian communities with AIDS/HIV. Colour lithograph.
  • A gay couple, one wearing sailor attire and makeup, hold up condoms with the message: 'Your condom or mine. I have safe sex or no sex"; an advertisement for safe sex by Stichting soa-bestrijding, Utrecht. Colour lithograph.
  • A man tweaking the nipples of a bare-chested man hand-cuffed to a fence with another gay couple beyond; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by Jörg Mang and Trash Line Design for the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V.
  • Recto: A framed photograph of a gay couple next to a condom and a bottle of lubricant on a table with a book, a vase of roses and a lamp representing a safe sex advertisement for gay men by the Victorian AIDS council; verso: the backs of two naked men with their arms around each other, one holding a condom, the other with his fingers crossed with instructions on what to do when having sex with or without condoms. Colour lithograph by Opsis Design and Freak me Freak me Productions, 1994.
  • Recto: A framed photograph of a gay couple next to a condom and a bottle of lubricant on a table with a book, a vase of roses and a lamp representing a safe sex advertisement for gay men by the Victorian AIDS council; verso: the backs of two naked men with their arms around each other, one holding a condom, the other with his fingers crossed with instructions on what to do when having sex with or without condoms. Colour lithograph by Opsis Design and Freak me Freak me Productions, 1994.
  • Recto: A framed photograph of a gay couple next to a condom and a bottle of lubricant on a table with a book, a vase of roses and a lamp representing a safe sex advertisement for gay men by the Victorian AIDS council; verso: the backs of two naked men with their arms around each other, one holding a condom, the other with his fingers crossed with instructions on what to do when having sex with or without condoms. Colour lithograph by Opsis Design and Freak me Freak me Productions, 1994.
  • An information sheet for teachers, parents and students on AIDS and HIV; with text interspersed with black and white illustrations including a mother breastfeeding, a gay couple, two women playing netball, a girl playing the recorder, two men fighting, cooking utensils and two cats. Colour lithograph by K. Marge, 1989.
  • A open condom packet with a gay couple embracing and the message: "be as you want with a condom ... the best protection against HIV and STD's"; advertisement for the Ecoute Gaie and SIDA Info Service by the Comité Français d'Education pour la Santé (CFES) and l'Assurance Maladie sécurit sociale. Colour lithograph.
  • Multi-coloured condoms with the message in French: "Condom and gel: the inseparable couple ... pleasure without risk"; including a list of condom makes from Bartoline to Wet; an advertisement by the Agence française de lutte contre le SIDA and SPG, Santé et Plaisir Gai. Colour lithograph.
  • Two men holding their dogs. Photographic postcard, 193-.
  • Two men holding their dogs. Photographic postcard, 193-.