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7 results
  • The whole worke of that famous chirurgion Maister John Vigo / newly corrected, by men skilfull in that arte. Whereunto are annexed certain works, compiled and published by Thomas Gale.
  • Certaine workes of Galens, called Methodus medendi, with a briefe declaration of the worthie art of medicine, the office of a chirurgion, and an epitome of the third booke of Galen, of naturall faculties / all translated into English, by Thomas Gale.
  • Thomas Gale. Woodcut, 1563.
  • T. Gale, Certaine workes of chirurgerie
  • T. Gale, Certaine workes of chirurgerie
  • T. Gale, Certaine workes of chirurgerie
  • T. Gale, Certaine workes of chirurgerie