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9 results
  • Baldwin's Herbal Female Pills : removes obstructions arising from cold and other causes, recommended for all disorders and irregularities of the female constitution during "change of life".
  • Baldwin's Bilious and Liver Pills : cures sickness, dizziness, shoulder pains, yellowness of the eyes, skin, brown or yellow coated tongue, bile, jaundice, constipation, piles, all liver troubles.
  • Baldwin's Patent Herbal Medicines : the medicine of nature : a life invigorating remedy for nervousness, debility, consumption, insomnia, lowness of spirits.
  • Baldwin's Nervous Pills : cures nervousness, irritability of temper, want of strength and energy, fear, dread, neuralgia, hysteria, disturbed sleep, melancholy, insomnia, and all nerve pain and diseases.
  • Baldwin's Herbal Tonic Mixture : Nature's general restorer of the system and purifier of the blood.
  • Baldwin's Kidney & Gravel Pills : cures kidney & bladder troubles, pains in loins, lumbago, heat & difficulty of urine, and all obstructions of the urinary passages.
  • Baldwin's Herbal Tonic Mixture : Nature's general restorer of the system and purifier of the blood.
  • Baldwin's Herbal Female Pills : removes obstructions arising from cold and other causes, recommended for all disorders and irregularities of the female constitution during "change of life".
  • Baldwin's Bilious and Liver Pills : cures sickness, dizziness, shoulder pains, yellowness of the eyes, skin, brown or yellow coated tongue, bile, jaundice, constipation, piles, all liver troubles.