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16 results
  • Jacques-Louis Marin de France. Stipple engraving by A. Tardieu, 1827, after himself.
  • Vous êtes prié d'assister à la messe annuelle de la Croix-Rouge, qui sera cĺébrée, en l'Église Cathédrale, le dimanche 7 mars 1926, à midi précis, en l'honneur des soldats, marins franȩs, infirmiers et infirmières morts pour la France / Croix-Rouge Française.
  • Vous êtes prié d'assister à la messe annuelle de la Croix-Rouge, qui sera cĺébrée, en l'Église Cathédrale, le dimanche 7 mars 1926, à midi précis, en l'honneur des soldats, marins franȩs, infirmiers et infirmières morts pour la France / Croix-Rouge Française.
  • A French and a British sailor embrace, with their ships inset below; representing alliance between the French and British navies. Coloured photographic postcard, 191-.
  • A French and a British sailor embrace, with their ships inset below; representing alliance between the French and British navies. Coloured photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Place de la Concorde, Paris, with the Admiralty building being attacked by flying dragons, fish and horses. Etching by C. Meryon, 1866.
  • Place de la Concorde, Paris, with the Admiralty building being attacked by flying dragons, fish and horses. Etching by C. Meryon, 1866.
  • A French and a British sailor clasping hands in front of the spirit of Lord Nelson; representing Anglo-French naval cooperation in World War I. Colour process print, 191-.
  • A French and a British sailor clasping hands in front of the spirit of Lord Nelson; representing Anglo-French naval cooperation in World War I. Colour process print, 191-.
  • Société Zoologique de France: the zoologist Charles Schlumberger looking at sea-creatures through a stethoscope, with Jules Richard as a sailor looking on, illustrating the menu of the society's dinner. Line block by J.T.C., 1903.
  • A woman personifying France (?) rescuing a baby from the tentacles of an octopus representing tuberculosis. Colour lithograph by L. Cappiello, ca. 1922.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) as the Virgin of Sorrows. Lithograph by L.S. Marin-Lavigne after B.E. Murillo.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares at a country market, assisted by a woman. Colour stipple engraving by L.-M. Bonnet after J.-P. Caresme.
  • An itinerant medicine vendor selling his wares at a country market, assisted by a woman. Colour stipple engraving by L.-M. Bonnet after J.-P. Caresme.
  • The heads of women are reforged in a workshop by the sea; representing a brutal cure for the 'madness' of women. Line engraving by F. Campion, 1663.
  • The tomb effigy of a man accompanied by nereids, marine centaurs and sea monsters. Engraving.