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41 results
  • The funeral procession of Charles James Fox passing through Palace Yard in London. Aquatint, 1806.
  • The young foppish politician Charles James Fox having his hair dressed; represented by a fox with pages from the Magna Charta as curl-papers. Engraving, 1771.
  • Charles James Fox as a newsboy delivering newspapers to the Treasury, spreading panic and advertising his suitability for a government post. Etching by James Gillray.
  • A humorous comparison between the obese Daniel Lambert and Charles James Fox, the politician. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1806.
  • A humorous comparison between the obese Daniel Lambert and Charles James Fox, the politician. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1806.
  • A humorous comparison between the obese Daniel Lambert and Charles James Fox, the politician. Coloured etching by C. Williams, 1806.
  • The "Ministry of all the Talents", personified by Charles James Fox, promising to convey John Bull towards the promised land, but really to hell. Coloured etching by James Gillray, 1806.
  • The "Ministry of all the Talents", personified by Charles James Fox, promising to convey John Bull towards the promised land, but really to hell. Coloured etching by James Gillray, 1806.
  • Dr. Monro (physician to Bedlam) examining the straight jacketed and dishevelled Charles James Fox; representing the fall of the Coalition. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • Dr. Monro (physician to Bedlam) examining the straight jacketed and dishevelled Charles James Fox; representing the fall of the Coalition. Etching by T. Rowlandson, 1784.
  • Charles James Fox, dangerously ill, visited by an entourage of interested factions; representing the social and ministerial conflict surrounding him. Aquatint after J. Gillray, 1806.
  • Charles James Fox, dangerously ill, visited by an entourage of interested factions; representing the social and ministerial conflict surrounding him. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1806.
  • A fox ascends in a balloon, descends into a pit and walks off arm in arm with Lord North; representing Charles James Fox's coalition with Lord North under pressure from William Pitt the younger. Coloured etching, 1783.
  • A vertical anatomical bisection of Charles James Fox, one half of him dressed as a Frenchman, and the other half an Englishman. Coloured etching by W. Dent, 1793.
  • Joseph Nollekens arranges a bust of William Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville, between busts of William Pitt the younger and Charles James Fox, in a display of sculptures. Etching by J. Sayers, 1808.
  • A bald-headed Charles James Fox in a wig shop (a dog is attacking his shoe) being shown a wig by the perruquier; to the right Edmund Burke is eavesdropping behind a door. Etching by Wetherell, 1793.
  • A figure composed of barrels batters the drooping head of a thistle; representing the forced resignation of Lord Melville following implications of malversation and the vote on Whitbread's motion. Aquatint by J. Sayer, 1805.
  • A tall woman wears short feathers in her headdress and a short woman wears tall feathers in hers. Etching by James Gillray, 1795.
  • Lord North and Fox excreting into a pan bearing the Royal Arms, a little devil is mixing the stench between them; implying the appalling effects of the coalition government. Etching by J. Gillray, 1783.
  • Britannia as a patient who is in danger of death owing to disagreement between her three doctors over their competing remedies; representing the weakness of Britain during the replacement of Addington by Pitt as Prime Minister and the exclusion of Fox. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804.
  • Britannia as a patient who is in danger of death owing to disagreement between her three doctors over their competing remedies; representing the weakness of Britain during the replacement of Addington by Pitt as Prime Minister and the exclusion of Fox. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1804.
  • Fox running out of the House of Commons in the middle of a debate with William Pitt the younger about the Regency crisis: he is excreting as he runs, which refers to a bout of dysentery he caught on route from Bologna. Etching by J. Gillray, 1788.
  • Swearing to the cutting monster - or a scene in Bow Street.
  • The wedding of Lady Lucy Stanhope to Thomas Taylor, a surgeon-apothecary: the bride is given away by her father Earl Stanhope, while Fox and Sheridan officiate. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • William Pitt the younger as an alchemist using a crown-shaped bellows to blow the flames of a furnace and heat a glass vessel in which the House of Commons is distilled; representing the dissolution of parliament by Pitt. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1796.
  • Sheridan presented as Francisco Pizarro presented as a physician; representing his loyalty to the British Crown against the Franch Revolution and Bonaparte. Coloured aquatint, 1799.
  • A fearful woman (Britannia) is encouraged by three British politicians to resist the invading fleet of France. Coloured etching by J. Gillray after J. Sneyd, 1803.
  • A fearful woman (Britannia) is encouraged by three British politicians to resist the invading fleet of France. Coloured etching by J. Gillray after J. Sneyd, 1803.