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180 results
  • Facial expression in a case of chronic tetanus
  • Stern facial expression, hand drawn illustration
  • Human head sculpted in clay, facial muscles of expression
  • Faces expressing the passions and showing the muscles relation to expression, with an explanation of the art of 'pathognomy', the reading of facial expression. Etching, c. 1800.
  • Experiments in physiology. Facial expressions
  • Experiments in physiology. Facial expressions; Frowning
  • Experiments in physiology. Facial expressions; Amazement
  • Two photographs showing different facial expressions
  • Experiments in physiology. Facial expressions; Attention
  • Two photographs showing different facial expressions.
  • Seven different facial expressions of a fox, ranging from observant to defensive. Etching by J. E. Ridinger.
  • Essays on the anatomy and philosophy of expression / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy and philosophy of expression / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Head of a man screaming. Engraving after Michelangelo.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy and philosophy of expression / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Head of a man screaming. Engraving after Michelangelo.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • A man grimacing grotesquely after taking some unpleasant tasting medicine. Stipple engraving by G.S. Facius and/or J.G. Facius, 1796, after A. Brouwer.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy and philosophy of expression / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.
  • Essays on the anatomy of expression in painting / By Charles Bell.