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75 results
  • Adam and Eve, naked, holding hands. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • Adam and Eve, naked, holding hands. Watercolour by M. Bishop, 1969.
  • Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Red chalk drawing.
  • The six stages of the Creation as described in the first chapter of Genesis. Etching, ca. 1790.
  • Eve is offering an apple to Adam while the serpent watches through the branches of the Tree of Knowledge; representing the origin of AIDS. Colour lithograph after S. Staněk, 1994.
  • The gates of Eden open to expel Adam and Eve, who stand caught in a terrified embrace. Aquatint by M. Haughton, 1805 after J.H. Füssli (Fuseli).
  • Eve is reproached for eating the forbidden fruit. Etching by J.E. Ridinger after himself, c. 1750.
  • Adam and Eve holding fruit: Four figures. Heliogravure by C. Amand-Durand.
  • Eve tempting Adam. Engraving by J. Massard, 1787, after C. Cignani.
  • Episodes in the Old Testament. Engraving by M.T.
  • Adam sacrifices a lamb, which Eve scatters with flowers (left); Thirza mourns by the water (right). Etching by R.B. Peake after T. Uwins.
  • Adam and Eve are expelled from Eden by a sword-bearing angel. Woodcut.
  • Eve shows Adam the apple she has bitten. Etching by W. Unger after J. Palma the elder.
  • Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi after T. Stothard, 1792.
  • Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi after T. Stothard, 1792.
  • A man sits and paints a picture of the exiled Adam and Eve; his wife suckles a baby; representing the thirtieth year of life. Engraving by Conrad Meyer, 16--.
  • The Fall: Adam and Eve driven out by the Angel for eating the forbidden fruit. Etching by C. Lasinio after Masaccio and Masolino.
  • The garden of Eden illuminated by light symbolising the Trinity. Engraving by A. Collaert after H. Bol.
  • Surrounded by animals in the Garden of Eden, Eve ascends from Adam's side. Line engraving by J. Haeyler after C. van den Broeck.
  • A couple in animal skins (Adam and Eve?) journeying with three children after the expulsion. Coloured stipple engraving.
  • God creating Eve out of Adam. Line engraving.
  • God creating Eve out of Adam and blessing her as she emerges into the splendors of Eden. Wood engraving.
  • God creating Eve out of Adam amidst all the wonders of Eden. Woodcut.
  • God (looking female ?) creating Eve from Adam. Wood engraving.
  • God creates man and woman. Line engraving by E. Charpy after J. Sadeler.
  • Adam and Eve humbly pray to a stern God. Line engraving.
  • Adam and Eve are expelled from Eden by a sword-bearing angel. Lithograph by N. Consoni after Raphael.
  • Adam looks in wonder at the divine cosmological plan, represented above him in astronomical figures on a scroll; Eve looks at Adam. Etching.
  • At the bidding of God, Eve ascends praying from Adam's side. Engraving by A. Capellan, 1772, after Michelangelo.
  • Jesus and the apostles pass judgement on the dead, who emerge from square holes in the ground. Etching.