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2 results
  • Discovering new medicines? : Human bodies are good at fighting disease, but sometimes things go wrong and then we need medicines. It takes about 15 years to make a new medicine. This is how it's done / Biomedical Research Education Trust, Understanding Animal Research.
  • Ruscus aculeatus L. Ruscaceae Butchers Broom., Box holly, Knee Holly, Jew’s myrtle. Distribution: Mediterranean to Britain. Aculeatus means 'prickly' which describes the plant well. Dioscorides in 70 AD (Gunther, 1959) says of this plant ‘... ye leaves and berries drunk in wine have ye force to move urine, expel the menstrua, and to break ye stones in ye bladder ...’ and adds also ‘ ... it cures also ye Icterus and ye strangurie and ye headache.' Its use did not change for a millennium and a half