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  • Knights of Malta on board ship in the North Sea spy a phallic scupture on the beach at Dangast; representing an event held in 1993 in Dangast, Germany; published on World AIDS Day 1992 by the AIDS Working Group Oldenburg. Colour lithograph, 1992.
  • The dance of death: Death appears to the people in the inn and instigates them, the proletariat, to clear the throne to make way for communism. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • The dance of death: the fight is over and Death is seen seated, enthroned on ruins composed of rubble and the dead. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • The dance of death: the invasion of the troops with Death holding his banner. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • The dance of death: Death as a standard-bearer, flying the standard from his scythe, is seen leading troops against their fatherland. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • The dance of death: Death as a cardinal in the Roman Catholic church approaches a prince and encourages him to change his gentle reign to despotism. Drawing by or after E. Ille.
  • The dance of death: Liberty and Death. Drawing by or after E. Ille.