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62 results
  • A man sits holding a large glass of wine, behind a man lights his pipe. Engraving by P. Chenu, 1743, after D. Teniers II.
  • A Flemish man sits holding a large glass of wine, behind another man lights his pipe. Mezzotint, 179-, after D. Teniers II.
  • Three men round a barrel drinking, smoking and conversing. Engraving by F. Basan, mid 18th century, after I. van Ostade.
  • A man, glass in hand, sits at a table with food and drink. Wood-engraving, late 16th century.
  • A man leans back from a table holding a pipe in one hand and a full glass in the other; a jug is on the table. Pen lithograph by E. Leroux.
  • A drunken party with men smoking, sleeping and falling to the floor. Engraving after W. Hogarth.
  • A club room where various men lounge about and one serves drink at a counter. Coloured etching, mid 19th century.
  • A drunken party with men smoking, sleeping and falling to the floor. Engraving by W. Hogarth, 1731, after himself.
  • Two Dutch topers clasping a beer jug and smoking. Mezzotint, c. 1831, after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Two Dutch topers clasping a beer jug and smoking. Mezzotint after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • A man sits at a table with a drink and discarded pipe. Etching by D. Deuchar after A. van Ostade (?).
  • A man sits at a table with drink, pipe and tobacco; another looks on and grimaces. Etching by D. Deuchar after A. van Ostade (?).
  • A man sits with a glass in one hand, a pipe in the other and a jug at his feet. Etching by D. Deuchar (?) after A. van Ostade.
  • A woman pouring wine from a jug into a goblet; representing the virtue of temperance. Etching, 16--.
  • The interior of a tavern with men smoking and drinking round the fireplace. Etching by J. Taylor, c. 1800, after A. van Ostade.
  • A drunken party with men smoking, sleeping and falling to the floor. Engraving by T. Cook, c. 1798, after W. Hogarth.
  • Men and women in a dingy tavern smoking and drinking round a large barrel table. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after G. van Herp (?).
  • Three men sit smoking and drinking at a barrel-table. Engraving by J. Suyderhof, 16--, after A. Brouwer.
  • Two men sit drinking and smoking at a tavern table. Engraving by J. Williams, c. 1792, after a painting attributed to A. Brouwer.
  • Men and women smoking and drinking outside a country tavern. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after G. Tilborgh.
  • A Dutch country tavern with six men drinking and smoking at a table and others by the bar. Lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl, 1836, after A. van Ostade, 1663.
  • A seated man smoking with a tankard on the table by his side. Procees print after P. Rajon, 1872, after J.L. Meissonier, 1858.
  • Pieter Gerritsz van Roestraten sitting at a table with a jug, a drinking glass and a smoking pipe. Engraving by A. Bannerman, mid 18th century, after P. Roestraten.
  • The interior of a tavern with men smoking and drinking by a barrel table and playing cards by the fire. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after D. Teniers.
  • Bandits armed with guns drink with women outside an Italian country inn; in the foreground are a couple on horseback. Coloured etching by B. Pinelli, 1820.
  • A fashionable gentleman sits with his arm round a lady by a tavern table as a girl chalks up drinks on a slate. Lithograph after D. Teniers (?).
  • A man sits with a glass in one hand, a pipe in the other and a jug at his feet. Etching by D. Deuchar (?) after A. van Ostade.
  • Four men smoking and drinking round a table outside a country tavern. Etching by J. Taylor (?), c. 1800, after C. Dusart.
  • A gouty man at table with a bon viveur drinking champagne (a pun on "pain"). Coloured etching by T.L. Busby, 1826.
  • Six fashionable young men carousing round a table as a serving man opens another bottle of ale. Engraving, c. 1796.