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148 results
  • A woman smoking a pipe and holding a drinking glass. Etching.
  • Louis Vincent in drag holding a drinking glass. Process print, ca. 1905-1910.
  • Louis Vincent in drag holding a drinking glass. Process print, ca. 1905-1910.
  • A woman holding a tobacco pipe and a drinking glass. Mezzotint by B. Lens.
  • A child drinking a glass of water: importance of treating water in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • A skull in a drinking glass at the steering wheel of a motor vehicle, representing the fatal effects of drunken driving. Colour lithograph.
  • A group of men are sitting at a table eating and drinking, one raises a riding crop in salute, another a glass. Etching.
  • A skull in a drinking glass at the steering wheel of a motor vehicle, representing the fatal effects of drunken driving. Colour lithograph.
  • A pink elephant drinking a glass of wine advertising an alcohol helpline. Colour lithograph after L. Munnik for Nationaal Instituut voor Gezondheidsbevordering en Ziektepreventie, 2000.
  • Two men seated at a table, drinking: one has his glass raised, and the other is joining in the toast. Mezzotint by W. Say after H. Fradelle.
  • A lecherous old man leans over to a molest a woman who holds a bottle and drinking glass. Mezzotint by J. Smith, c. 1700, after A. van Ostade.
  • A lecherous old man leans over to a molest a woman who holds a bottle and drinking glass. Mezzotint by J. Smith, c. 1700, after A. van Ostade.
  • A man in a fur cap holding a drinking glass in one hand and a pipe in the other. Mezzotint after G. van Herp (?), mid 17th century.
  • Pieter Gerritsz van Roestraten sitting at a table with a jug, a drinking glass and a smoking pipe. Engraving by A. Bannerman, mid 18th century, after P. Roestraten.
  • A pair of Pensioners, seated at a table, playing draughts, with others looking on, inside the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, with a vignette of tricorn hat, wooden leg, clay pipe, drinking glass and medals at lower left. Etching by G. Fox, 1887.
  • A pretty barmaid mixing a drink in a glass. Coloured lithograph, c. 1825.
  • A clothed woman pours liquid from a glass then drinks from it. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • An old monk in his habit drinks from a large glass and waves with his left hand. Engraving.
  • A man, glass in hand, sits at a table with food and drink. Wood-engraving, late 16th century.
  • A strongman prepares to drink a glass of the tonic Byrrh before performing his act. Colour process print, 19--.
  • A strongman prepares to drink a glass of the tonic Byrrh before performing his act. Colour process print, 19--.
  • A drunkard sits on a barrel spilling drink from a jug and glass. Etching by R. Blyth after P. J. de Loutherbourg.
  • A drunkard sits on a barrel spilling drink from a jug and glass. Etching by R. Blyth after P. J. de Loutherbourg.
  • A man lies drunk in his chair, his last glass of drink fallen from his hand. Lithograph by Lamy, c. 1860, after Villain.
  • A man drinks from a glass as a woman holds a jug and raises her hand in the air. Engraving after M. van Cleve.
  • A glass with a warning that you can't catch AIDS from sharing a drink; advertisement for AIDS information lines by the California Medical Association. Colour lithograph.
  • Dr. to Oxo Limited, contractors to the War Office, Admiralty, India Office, etc. : Oxo, Lemco, Beefix, Oxade drinks etc. : Fray Bentos Corned Beef, ox tongues, pressed beef, soups, pastes, glass meats, etc. : no receipt will be recognised as valid unless upon our Printed Form.
  • Speculum ægrotorum: the sicke-mens glasse: or a plaine introduction wherby one may giue a true and infallible iudgement, of the life or death of a sicke bodie, the originall cause of the griefe, how he is tormented and afflicted, what thinges are medicinable to the diseased person: and the day and houre in which he shall recouer, or surrender his vitall breath. Whereunto is annexed a treatise of the foure humors, and how they are ingendered and distributed in our humane bodies; with certaine and manifest signes to discerne of whate complexion any man is: and the operation that eating, drinking, rest and exercise, worketh in euery person: with certain speciall preseruatiues for the eye-sight / Composed by John Fage.
  • Captain Morris's drinking song illustrated by five men at a table drinking. Engraving and etching, 1806.
  • Twenty two ancient drinking vessels from an exhibition. Wood-engraving, c. 1873, after J. T. Balcomb.