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76 results
  • Black Greek drinking cups; left, shallow cup with horizontal handles; middle, tall cup with horizontal handles (kotyle); right, cup with vertical handles. Watercolour by A. Dahlsteen, 176- (?).
  • Illustrations and text explaining how AIDS cannot be transmitted from sharing clothes, drinking cups etc.; one of a series of educational posters issued by the Committed Communities Development Trust in Mumbai. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A man and woman sit in discussion drinking from cups at a table with people at art easels in the background; advertisement for services provided by the London Lighthouse day centre for those with AIDS and HIV. Colour lithograph, 1991.
  • A woman sitting down on a chair and drinking out of a cup. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A woman sitting down on a chair and drinking out of a cup. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A child drinking a cup of oral rehydration salts: treating diarrhoea in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • A child drinking a cup of oral rehydration salts: treating diarrhoea in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Health, ca. 2000.
  • An ancient drinking cup from Boscoreale decorated with figures of Death in relief: frontal and side views of the same object. Hēliogravure.
  • Bacchus with attendant satyrs sits drinking by a cave as Venus appears to him and offers him a cup of love. Engraving by J. Audran after A. Coypel, 1704.
  • Above, red-figured Greek drinking cup (skyphos); below, detail of the decoration showing a woman holding a rabbit and a naked man with a walking stick. Watercolour by A. Dahlsteen, 176- (?).
  • A woman dropping her porcelain tea-cup in horror upon discovering the monstrous contents of a magnified drop of Thames water; revealing the impurity of London drinking water. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1828.
  • A woman dropping her porcelain tea-cup in horror upon discovering the monstrous contents of a magnified drop of Thames water; revealing the impurity of London drinking water. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1828.
  • Above, red-figured Greek drinking cup (skyphos) with horizontal handles; below, detail of decoration showing a man holding a hoop and a woman, standing in front of him. Watercolour by A. Dahlsteen, 176- (?).
  • A woman dropping her porcelain tea-cup in horror upon discovering the monstrous contents of a magnified drop of Thames water; revealing the impurity of London drinking water. Coloured etching by W. Heath, 1828.
  • An old man drinks from a cup while a devil and a skeleton stand behind him. Coloured etching.
  • A naked man sits on a chair, pours water and drinks a cup of water from a tub. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • Two Indian men: (left) bringing a cup of tea or other drink, and (right) holding a large purple fan or canopy on a pole. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Five ornate German drinking vessels. Engraving by F. Fairholt, 19th century, after himself.
  • A girl pours coffee from a cup into a saucer. Colour halftone from an engraving by L. Marin.
  • Twenty two ancient drinking vessels from an exhibition. Wood-engraving, c. 1873, after J. T. Balcomb.
  • A Turkish coffee vendor with a tray of coffee cups. Coloured engraving, c. 1860.
  • A pretty maid carrying drinking chocolate on a tray. Stipple engraving by A. H. Payne after Liotard, c. 1743.
  • A priest taking morning tea with a lady in her boudoir: a maidservant stands in the background. Engraving by Remi Parr after N. Lancret.
  • A gin palace as a "temple of Juniper", with other scenes illustrating puns. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • A gin palace as a "temple of Juniper", with other scenes illustrating puns. Lithograph by C.J. Grant, 1834.
  • The ornamental bowl of a pipe on which is seated a miniature female figure drinking tea. Etching, early 19th century (?).
  • A man tasting tea with inset picture of kettles boiling. Pen and ink drawing, c. 1890.
  • A man pours tea for a resting Chinese warrior as a kettle steams on the stove beside them. Coloured etching with ornamentation after F. Boucher, early 18th century.
  • A Chinese man with his tea pot, and workers harvesting tea. Etching with engraving, c. 1693.
  • A bacchanalian scene with Pan sleeping and many drinking vessels left on a table. Etching by F. van den Wyngaerde after P. Rubens, mid 17th century.