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882 results
  • Saint Gaetano in a church, holding the Bible. Colour lithograph.
  • David Livingstone memorial in Blantyre; Livingstone reading the Bible to a group of African men. Photoprint.
  • Seal of Gedaliah, Keller's The Bible as history in pictures
  • Obelisk at Heliopolis, known in the Bible as On, Egypt. Coloured lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1848.
  • Dragons and griffins around a lone flowering tree in a landscape on the outskirts of a town; representing a stage in the alchemical process. Coloured etching after etching, ca. 17th century.
  • Dragons and griffins around a lone flowering tree in a landscape on the outskirts of a town; representing a stage in the alchemical process. Coloured etching after etching, ca. 17th century.
  • Dragons and griffins around a lone flowering tree in a landscape on the outskirts of a town; representing a stage in the alchemical process. Coloured etching after etching, ca. 17th century.
  • Episodes in the Bible and examples of devotional practice. Collage of colour lithographs and process prints after Harold Copping and others.
  • Saint Geneviève seated under a Gothic canopy, holding the Bible; a lamb at her side; a church in the background. Coloured engraving, ca. 1800.
  • A young woman in distress at an altar being pressed by a cleric to read a passage of the Bible. Engraving by F. Bacon after Solomon Hart.
  • Saint Geneviève is holding the Bible and a torch which an angel lights with a candle but a devil tries to extinguish with bellows; Notre Dame Cathedral in the background. Engraving.
  • Saint Gaetano kneeling, looking up at the Virgin and Christ seated on a cloud amid cherubs; cherub holding the Bible in the foreground. Engraving by G.B. Cipriani after A.D. Gabbiani, ca. 1760.
  • A blind girl reads the Bible by touch to her illiterate family in the dark; one man is tempted to go out and enjoy drunken revels in the daylight; representing light and darkness of the understanding. Engraving by W. Ridgway, 1871, after G. Smith.
  • A blind girl reads the Bible by touch to her illiterate family in the dark; one man is tempted to go out and enjoy drunken revels in the daylight; representing light and darkness of the understanding. Engraving by W. Ridgway, 1871, after G. Smith.
  • A blind girl reads the Bible by touch to her illiterate family in the dark; one man is tempted to go out and enjoy drunken revels in the daylight; representing light and darkness of the understanding. Engraving by W. Ridgway, 1871, after G. Smith.
  • A blind girl reads the Bible by touch to her illiterate family in the dark; one man is tempted to go out and enjoy drunken revels in the daylight; representing light and darkness of the understanding. Engraving by W. Ridgway, 1871, after G. Smith.
  • A blind girl reads the Bible by touch to her illiterate family in the dark; one man is tempted to go out and enjoy drunken revels in the daylight; representing light and darkness of the understanding. Engraving by W. Ridgway, 1871, after G. Smith.
  • Japan: a roof finial in Nagoya castle in the form of a dragon. Colour woodcut, ca. 1872.
  • The pregnant Virgin Mary, with a dragon at her feet; representing a stage in the alchemical process. Colour painting after etching, 1772/3.
  • Handaka Sonja, a Lohan (disciple of Buddha), shown with his attribute, the dragon. Woodcut in the manner of an ink stone rubbing, China, 18--?.
  • Saint George wearing armour and holding a lance, a dead dragon at his feet; a city in the background. Photogravure after A. Mantegna.
  • A magician stands in the middle of a circle holding a stick in one hand and a book in the other as he is watched by the devil in the form of a dragon. Woodcut, ca. 1700-1720.
  • Christ winnowing evil from the human heart; a penitent bathing in the blood and water from Christ's side; an angel locking a dragon in hell. Engraving by H. Goltzius, 1578.
  • A nurse standing in front of the Red Cross stabs a dragon that holds the globe in its claws; representing assistance to tuberculous people from the Italian Red Cross. Colour lithograph by B. Cascella.
  • Six men row a long boat with a domed canopy, shaped as a peacock in the front and a dragon's mouth at the back. Watercolour by an Indian artist.
  • Four men row a long boat with a domed canopy, shaped as two horses in the front and a dragon's mouth at the back. Watercolour by an Indian artist.
  • A putto pours a phial into a dragon's mouth, pumping a bellows with his other hand; representing the fixing of volatile matter in the alchemical process. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • Ethiopian Scroll comprising prayers against various ailments, including chest pains, the expulsion of evil spirits causing sickness and the protection of suckling infants. This illustration shows Susenyos spearing the demon, a popular motif in Ethiopean art similar to St George slaying the dragon.
  • A scholar in a surgeon's workroom with a jar of spirits containing Saint Michael defeating a dragon with a barbued tonge; representing the scholar's knowledge of chemistry enabling surgeons to heal, by setting the beneficent force of alkalis against the noxious force of acids. Etching by P.P. Bouche, ca. 1686.
  • A human body is consumed by a furnace; a woman holds a small red limbless effigy bearing a crown; a man holds a sheaf, and another a stick; below, by another furnace, a green and red dragon face each other, poised for combat; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.