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7 results
  • Egypt (?): a military desert camp with tents, a horseman with a device for sweeping the camp attached to the horse, and a colonial soldier. Photograph by J. D. Graham, 1914/1918 (?).
  • A kneeling camel, with a cacolet attached to its back, used to transport injured soldiers during World War I: a western military man is shown standing beside the camel, with desert tents seen pitched in the background. Photograph copied from a print by Dr. Balfour, 1916.
  • A group of boys with a flag and weapons take hold of one boy who is attempting to escape. Lithograph by Thomas Fairland after Robert Farrier.
  • Third Carlist War: deserters from the Spanish army imprisoned in the Alhambra, Granada, supervised in a yard by armed guards. Wood engraving, 1873.
  • Boer War: an army officer examines the scarred backs of whipped African deserters. Halftone after J. Finnemore after E. Prater.
  • A camp scene at dusk with ambulance carriages and three men round a small fire. Colour halftone, c. 1903.
  • Soldiers attacking a coach on a country road. Etching after Jacques Callot, ca. 1633.