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35 results
  • Epicurus. Stipple engraving by A. Cardon, 1823, after W.M. Craig.
  • Saint Anne teaching the young Mary to read. Engraving by W. Finden after W.M. Craig after C. Maratta.
  • A woman breast feeding her child. Stipple engraving, 1810, after W.M. Craig, 1806.
  • Jeremiah is released from the stocks. Etching by J. Barlow, 1812, after W.M. Craig.
  • Saint Catherine. Line engraving by J. Scott, 1816, after W.M. Craig after L. Carracci.
  • Wisdom shows Britannia the measurements of the globe; figures representing other continents stand watching. Engraving by W. Swift after W.M. Craig.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child. Line engraving W. Finden, 1816, after W.M. Craig after Sir A. van Dyck.
  • Christ heals the man with the withered hand. Etching by J. Barlow, 1813, after W.M. Craig.
  • Queen Eleanor sucking the poison from King Edward I's arm. Line engraving by Brown after W.M. Craig.
  • Lightning pierces through the clouds, heralding the coming of Christ. Engraving by J. Barlow, 1813, after W.M. Craig.
  • The funeral procession of the Duke of York shown approaching Windsor Castle. Coloured aquatint by Havell after W.M. Craig, 1827.
  • Two women open a cupboard in which a skeleton stands. Engraving by Brown after W.M. Craig, 1819, after E. Haywood.
  • The death of William II (William Rufus): William has been shot with an arrow on a hunt in a forest. Etching by T. Wallis after W. M. Craig.
  • A Saadi, or Egyptian shaman using snakes and incantations to cure a sick man. Engraving by T. Wallis, 1806, after W.M. Craig.
  • America: an alligator and a tortoise are about to slip into a river while a tapir and a wolverine look on. Engraving by T. Wallis after W. M. Craig.
  • Astronomy: an atmospheric condition producing sun dogs, giving the effect of two suns. Engraving by F.R. Hay, 1820, after W.M. (?) Craig.
  • The wounding of Lord Nelson on the deck of HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper, 1806, after W.M. Craig.
  • A man of high rank in the Congo is being carried in a litter by four other men. Engraving by T. Wallis after W.M. Craig.
  • Saint John the Baptist in the wilderness, seated next to a spring of water. Engraving by C. Heath after W.M. Craig after L. de Vargas, 1816.
  • Saint John the Baptist as an infant, sleeping, with a cross in his hand. Engraving by C. Heath after W.M. Craig after A. Carracci (?), 1815.
  • Varnish apprehends Fidelia, disguised as a man, inside his house; a footboy enters to tell him that his coach has arrived. Engraving by Rivers after W.M. Craig.
  • A conjurer casting spells with his wand and fire surrounded by a kneeling man and demons within the magic circle. Engraving by J. Brown after W.M. Craig, 1813.
  • Saint Francis of Assisi held by two angels; angel playing the violin on a cloud. Etching by C. Heath after W.M. Craig after L. Carracci, 1 December 1815.
  • An angler pulls in a raft on which Russian pirates are tied to a gibbet with hooks piercing into their flesh. Engraving by T. Wallis after W.M. Craig, 1805.
  • The assassination of General Kléber in Egypt: Kléber is stabbed in the chest by a man in oriental dress outside his tent. Etching by T. Wallis after W.M. Craig, 1815.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) with the Christ Child, Saint Jerome, Saint Peter the Apostle, Saint Clare and Saint Francis of Assisi. Engraving by J.H. Wright, 1816, after W.M. Craig after L. Lotto.
  • The murder of Maria-Theresa of Savoy-Carignan, Princess of Lamballe: French revolutionaries dragging her naked, headless, body along the streets of Paris with her head on a pike. Etching by T. Wallis after W.M. Craig, 1815.
  • A Chinese man lying on the ground is being scourged by order of a magistrate and his clerk; a man carrying the cangue around his neck as a punishment walks past. Engraving by T. Wallis after W.M. Craig, May 1805.
  • A crowd are gathered on a village green, some are dancing to the tune of the fiddler standing on a barrel, and some are eating and drinking at the tables. Engraving by William Finden after W.M. Craig after David Teniers the younger.
  • Picture of mother giving breast to infant