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61 results
  • They depend on me for the foods they need : Alfonal Maizy Brand golden corn oil foods / Alfonal Limited.
  • They depend on me for the foods they need : Alfonal Maizy Brand golden corn oil foods / Alfonal Limited.
  • They depend on me for the foods they need : Alfonal Maizy Brand golden corn oil foods / Alfonal Limited.
  • They depend on me for the foods they need : Alfonal Maizy Brand golden corn oil foods / Alfonal Limited.
  • They depend on me for the foods they need : Alfonal Maizy Brand golden corn oil foods / Alfonal Limited.
  • They depend on me for the foods they need : Alfonal Maizy Brand golden corn oil foods / Alfonal Limited.
  • Saint George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, London. Oil painting.
  • Saint George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, London. Oil painting.
  • Saint George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner, London. Oil painting.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Oil painting after Cornelis Dusart.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Oil painting after Cornelis Dusart.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Oil painting after Cornelis Dusart.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Oil painting after Cornelis Dusart.
  • A woman surgeon and her assistant cupping a patient. Oil painting after Cornelis Dusart.
  • A surgeon operating on a man's foot. Oil painting attributed to Cornelis Mahu after Adriaen van Ostade.
  • A surgeon operating on a man's foot. Oil painting attributed to Cornelis Mahu after Adriaen van Ostade.
  • A surgeon operating on a man's foot. Oil painting attributed to Cornelis Mahu after Adriaen van Ostade.
  • A surgeon operating on a man's foot. Oil painting attributed to Cornelis Mahu after Adriaen van Ostade.
  • The anatomy of Dr Willem Roell. Oil painting by B. F. Landis, 1909-1910, after Cornelis Troost, 1728.
  • The anatomy of Dr Willem Roell. Oil painting by B. F. Landis, 1909-1910, after Cornelis Troost, 1728.
  • Gaultheria procumbens Kalm Ericaeae. Wintergreen, teaberry, boxberry, chickerberry. Distribution: North American forests. Named for French physician/botanist Jean Francois Gaultier (1708-1756). Physician to the French King, emigrated to Quebec in 1742. Researched flora of North America, died of typhus (Oakeley, 2012). Source of oil of wintergreen. Ten pounds of oil can be extracted from a ton of leaves. Toxic effects: Stupidity, swelling of the tongue, food craving, epigastric tenderness, vomiting, dyspnoea, hot skin, tachycardia, restlessness (MiIlspaugh, 1974). Active chemical is methyl salicylate. Used topically for musculo-skeletal conditions, it is converted to salicylic acid when absorbed. Excess use has caused a death. Salicylic acid is also used for warts and corns (first described by Dioscorides in 70CE)
  • Horsley's farm bottle for horses, horned cattle, sheep, &c. ... / prepared by W.H. Laverack.
  • Calendula officinalis (Marigold)
  • Calendula officinalis (Marigold), flower harvesting
  • Leprosy: fruits from which chaulmoogra oil (used to treat leprosy) is derived. Watercolour by E. Schwarz-Lenoir, 1921/1950 (?), after Ernest Muir, ca. 1921.
  • Surface of a mint leaf
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.
  • Surgical instruments used, and operations successfully carried out, by an English travelling operator claiming royal patronage. Line engraving, 16--.