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274 results
  • A corpse is dressed in grave clothes and layed out for mourners to visit. Etching with engraving.
  • Habibollah, son of Emir Abd or-Rahman, dressed in western style clothing and wearing a astrakhan hat.
  • A clothed woman walking and bending to lift the hem of her dress. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • Liverpool Port Sanitary Authority rat-catchers dressed in protective clothing with traps and equipment, Liverpool, England. Photograph, 1900/1920.
  • A clothed woman bending to her right to grasp the train of her dress and then turning. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A monkey sailor and a female monkey, both dressed in human clothing, standing on a dance floor. Etching by T. Landseer, 1827.
  • A monkey, dressed in human clothing and holding up a medicinal remedy: representing quacks or itinerant medicine vendors. Lithograph by W. Nichol after J. Watteau.
  • A surgeon bleeding Ragotin's arm - upon waking and attempting to get dressed he discovered his clothes were too tight and he believes his body has swollen in the night. Engraving.
  • A girl returns to her family home in the village where her fine clothes and shoes are burnt by her father and she is given a peasant dress to wear. Lithograph by Thos. & Wm. Fairland, 1832, after P.E. Destouches.
  • A girl returns to her family home in the village where her fine clothes and shoes are burnt by her father and she is given a peasant dress to wear. Lithograph by Thos. & Wm. Fairland, 1832, after P.E. Destouches.
  • A boy is cleaning the shoes of a man dressed in fine clothes, a woman seated on a chair is watching him, and another man is also cleaning boots. Coloured lithograph by J.J. Chalon after himself.
  • A boy is cleaning the shoes of a man dressed in fine clothes, a woman seated on a chair is watching him, and another man is also cleaning boots. Coloured lithograph by J.J. Chalon after himself.
  • Beate, Bianca and Babette, three male models dressed in women's clothes with a glamour checklist that includes safe sex precautions; advertisement for Gay Men's Outreach and Education by the Whitman-Walker Clinic Inc., Washington by the DC Department of Human Services. Colour lithograph.
  • A girl receives three gifts from three young women: a painting from a woman seted at an easel, a leather-bound book from a woman dressed in outdoor clothes, and a model of a chalet from a woman with scissors and a knife. Engraving.
  • Three young women are dressing in ornate clothes in front of a dressing table. Engraving by W.H. Mote after Edward Corbould.
  • Head and shoulders of a hideous old woman wearing an escoffin over a wimple. Colour stipple engraving by B. Pastorini, 1806, after L. da Vinci.
  • Good morning! have you worn the ventilated boots yet? : ease, health, comfort and durability, combined with beauty, they cannot be surpassed / Charles Marsden.
  • A girl is wearing a very elaborate gown which is being altered at the waist by a woman with a needle and thread. Wood engraving by TB.
  • A man in eccentric military costume, perhaps personifying mulled sherry. Etching.
  • A shoemender and a tailor sitting on benches repairing old shoes and clothes. Etching by R. Dagley.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.
  • James Gardiner Collection: Victorian album.