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27 results
  • Joseph is dragged out of the pit and sold to some passing Midianites. Etching.
  • Joseph is sold by his brothers. Etching.
  • Abraham falls on his knees before the three angels. Engraving after Lucas van Leyden.
  • Rebecca admires the clothes and jewellery given to her by Abraham's servant. Watercolour painting by Juliana Howard, 1824.
  • Two peasants hold a red robe; cherubs blow wind and Mercury rests on water below; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • Abraham and his men begin to circumcise themselves. Etching by M. van der Gucht after G. Hoet.
  • A woman representing Nature gives a baby to a mother; representing man's vulnerable and naked birth. Engraving by P. Galle, 1563.
  • A woman representing Nature gives a baby to a mother; representing man's vulnerable and naked birth. Engraving by P. Galle, 1563.
  • Lot and his daughters find rest and begin to drink; Lot stares into one of his daughters' eyes. Engraving after A. Diepenbeeck.
  • Indian tailor and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Saint Martin of Tours: he divides his cloak with a poor man. Etching after M. Schongauer.
  • Lot's wife looks back at the flames pouring from Heaven upon Sodom; Lot and his daughters go on ahead. Engraving by R. Sadeler after M. de Vos, 1583.
  • Marratta tailor and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Indian tailor and wife. Gouache drawing.
  • A red-faced king stands in a red robe, flanked by a queen and the deity Mercury in green clothes; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • Lot made drunk by his daughters. Line engraving by Vienot after Cl. Mellan.
  • Indian laundry couple with the man ironing clothes. Gouache drawing.
  • The Annunciation. Etching by Joanos the monk.
  • Adam and Eve expelled from Eden by an angel with a flaming sword. Line engraving by R. Sadeler after M. de Vos, 1583.
  • Rachel approaches Jacob through a flock of sheep; one of the inhabitants of the land points her out as being Laban's daughter. Line engraving by F. Bartolozzi after W. Hamilton, 1791.
  • Adam and Eve conceal their nakedness; in the distance they receive clothes from God. Line engraving by J. Haeyler after C. van den Broeck.
  • Joseph tells his unsympathetic family about his two prophetic dreams. Line engraving by G. de Jode.
  • Abraham's servant is impressed by the beautiful Rebecca, who stands in white amid the women around the well. Engraving by P.-I. Drevet after N. Coypel.
  • William of Aquitaine, a retiring warrior, receives a monk's habit from the abbot Benedict of Aniane. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino, 1620.
  • Noah and his companions follow the animals into the Ark. Etching.
  • The Virgin and Child appear to Saint Bruno. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino, 1647.
  • Adam and Eve expelled from Eden by an angel. Etching by H. Winstanley after G. Reni, 1728.