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82 results
  • A weight-lifter sits on a bench with his weights at his side as someone offers him a steroid injection; a warning not to share vials and used needles for steroids; advertisement for The Steroid Project as part of the Kingston AIDS Project funded by the National AIDS Strategy, Health Canada. Colour lithograph by Alice Whissell.
  • Collage of parts of faces with a heart representing an advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week, October 7 to 13, 1991 by the Canadian AIDS Society. Colour lithograph by Joe Average.
  • A man and woman with their arms around each other as they lean against a wall with a condom representing an advertisement for safer sex 'dress code' for the '90's; Recto: French version; advertisement by the Canadian Public Health Association. Colour lithograph.
  • A man and woman with their arms around each other as they lean against a wall with a condom representing an advertisement for safer sex 'dress code' for the '90's; Recto: English version; advertisement by the Canadian Public Health Association. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman with long hair representing an advertisement for safe sex; created by Alberta Advertising Agencies Association as part of an advertisement AIDS/HIV Prevention campaign Lithograph by Greg Gerla/West 11th Photography.
  • A condom with a message to women about the need to use condoms to prevent the spread of HIV; part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph by Greg Gerla/West 11th Photography.
  • A woman holding a baby representing women at risk for HIV; as part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph by Calder Bateman and Darklight Studios.
  • A man smiles wearing an open shirt with one hand in his pocket representing an advertisement for safe sex; created by Palmer Jarvis Communications for the Alberta HIVAIDS Prevention Campaigns for Young Adults. Lithograph.
  • A pair of hands, a heart and birds in flight representing an advertisement for the Canadian HIV Trials Network. Colour lithograph by Beverly Deutsch.
  • Silhouette of figure with heart with three other figures in background; an advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week October 5 to 11, 1992 by the Canadian AIDS Society. Colour lithograph by Tohu Bohu, 1992.
  • A warning to men who don't use condoms; part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph.
  • A bungee cord is compared to the rubber of a condom, both representing life-savers; part of the Alberta HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns for young adults. Lithograph by Clint Adam Smyth and Ad Design.
  • A woman looks at a man's face in shadow with a message about how to be good in bed; prepared by Ogilgy and Mather West for the Alberta HIVAIDS Prevention Campaigns for Young Adults. Lithograph by West 11th.
  • Adult hands reach out for a child's hand representing an advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week 4th to 10th October 1993 by the Candian AIDS Society. Colour lithograph by Jules de Niverville.
  • A woman holds up a condom with a message about abstinence and safe sex; advertisement by Continental PIR Communications. Lithograph by Rod Newbery.
  • Painted figures reach up towards the world representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day, December 1st, by the National AIDS Strategy [Canada]. Colour lithograph by Vivian Reiss and Quorum Graphics.
  • A condom on top of a bottle representing the risk of having sex when drunk; advertisement of the High Equals High Risk Campaign by AIDS: A Positive Co-ordinated Community Response Society of Jasper. Colour lithograph by Daniel Riitano, 1993.
  • A native North American wearing an animal's head and feathered accessories with a schedule of events; an advertisement by Anishnawbe Health Toronto for The Joe Sylvester memorial Traditional Pow wow at Moss Park Armoury, Toronto on September 1 to 3, 1995. Colour lithograph by Joseph Sagutch, 1995.
  • A blind-folded cupid wearing a bag of condoms shoots an arrow bearing a heart into a condom representing a warning about the need to protect yourself from AIDS since love is blind; advertisement by St Stephen's Community House. Colour lithograph.
  • A man and woman dressed in swimwear flexing their muscles with their arms above their heads representing the risks of injecting steroids and contracting the HIV virus; advertisement by the Public Health Department of North York, Ontario. Colour lithograph.
  • Red ribbons spelling the words 'AIDS' with details of the AIDS Walk for Life on Sunday October 1st 1995 at Kinsmen Park and Fieldhouse, Edmonton, Canada. Colour lithograph.
  • A sweep of hair incorporating three faces representing Africans in partnership against AIDS; advertisement by the City of Toronto Public Health, sponsored by Levis. Colour lithograph by Louie Kizito, 1995.
  • A door with six panels bearing vignettes of further doors representing an advertisement for women with AIDS by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph by Dreadnaught and Jan Fieldsend.
  • Men and women from the 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations, an organization of aboriginal lesbians and gay men who are involved in the fight against AIDS. Lithograph, 1993.
  • A condom with a group of gay men representing an advertisement for safer sex by the AIDS Committee of Toronto. Colour lithograph by Susan Ross.
  • People of Toronto recommending the benefits of the organisation Youth Link Inner City for information on AIDS and other issues; advertisement sponsored by the City of Toronto Public Health. Lithograph.
  • A couple sit on the edge of a bed next to a lit candle, the man holds a condom; advertisement for safe sex by the organisation Youth Link Inner City, sponsored by the City of Toronto Public Health. Colour lithograph by HM.
  • Two naked men making love against a window with one wearing a condom; advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS Committee of Toronto, Gay Men's Health Crisis and AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts. Colour lithograph by Peter Urban, 1991.
  • A native North American as a traditional youth dancer surrounded by hands forming a circle with feathers; advertisement for AIDS Awareness Week October 3-9, 1994 by the Assembly of First Nations National Indian Brotherhood. Colour lithograph by Sean Couchie, 1994.
  • Red ribbons spelling the words 'AIDS' with details of the AIDS Walk for Life on Sunday October 1st 1995 at Kinsmen Park and Fieldhouse, Edmonton, Canada. Colour lithograph.