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12 results
  • Joseph Priestley. Line engraving by T. Holloway, 1795, after W. Artaud.
  • John Townsend. Stipple engraving by R. H. Dyer, 1827, after W. Behnes, 1824.
  • The Queens' House, Greenwich: plans of the ground and first floors, with a scale and dimensions. Engraving by H. Hulsenbergh after C. Campbell, 1715.
  • Suttee, with Lord Hastings shown as accepting bribes to allow its continuation. Coloured aquatint by T. Rowlandson, 1815, after Quiz.
  • The Royal Hospital, Chelsea: looking from the Surrey side of the river in stormy weather. Coloured engraving, 1815, by W. Woolnoth after J.P. Neale after W.G. Moss.
  • Erasmus Darwin. Stipple engraving by W. Holl, 1807, after J. Rawlinson.
  • Erasmus Darwin. Stipple engraving by W. Holl, 1807, after J. Rawlinson.
  • St Katharine's Hospital, Regent's Park, London: seen from the road. Steel engraving by W. Tombleson, 1827, after T. H. Shepherd.
  • Elizabeth Gunning astride a cannon firing by the pen of her mother a blast of forged letters at the facade of Blenheim - which a figure defends with a blast of excrement - the Duchess of Bedford offers her petticoat as cover while General Gunning retreats from the battlefield; representing the Gunning scandal. Etching by J. Gillray, 1791.
  • Members and staff of the Mediterranean Fever Commission. Photograph, ca. 1904-1907.
  • King George IV and entourage laden with provisions, about to embark from Brighton in the Royal Yacht; representing the extravagant monarch's distressed retreat from England at the time of the Queen's trial. Coloured etching by R. Cruikshank, 1820.
  • Professors considering whether a pair of conjoined twins should be separated after the death of one of them; representing a political discussion in Bradford about the separation of two factions (?). Coloured lithograph, 1868.