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273 results
  • Seven different horse-drawn carts, coaches and carriages. Coloured lithograph.
  • Men are working with picks and axes to make wheels for carriages and carts. Engraving by A.J. Defehrt after L.J. Goussier.
  • A man resting his ox and cart under a tree along with other carriage bearers. Gouache painting by an Indian painter.
  • Place du Châtelet, Paris: a cart loaded with hay, a white carriage with two white horses ("Dame Blanche"), a working cart and a handcart pulled by a young boy are all gathered on the square. Lithograph by Ch. Motte, 1829, after V. Adam.
  • A carriage or bathing machine drawn by a sea monster is driven below cliffs: the animal inside has its tail caught in one of the rear wheels; the coachmen and two other passengers speak. Soft-ground etching.
  • Farm carts, and a weighing device. Engraving by Mutlow.
  • A Lowther cart: side view. Pen and ink drawing by Hamshaw.
  • A party of finely-dressed women is arriving by carriage and horses at the steps of a mansion set in spacious grounds. Engraving.
  • A carriage carrying two people travelling along the road. Etching by A. Lalauze after J.R. Goubie.
  • A man and a child are travelling in a pony and trap. Etching (?) by Whymper.
  • A Lowther cart: back view. Coloured pen and ink drawing by Hamshaw.
  • A young woman and an old man riding in a large horse-drawn wagon. Coloured line block process print.
  • A four-wheeled carriage manned by a coachman and a man (footman?) at the back. Woodcut, 17--.
  • A Russian gentleman being driven in a two-horse town carriage (or droschki), while a small dog runs alongside. Lithograph after A.O. Orlowski, ca. 1821.
  • A man driving a a horse-drawn waggon has stopped to ask the way of a man at the side of the road carrying a bundle: he tells him to go back in the opposite direction. Lithograph atributed to E. Purcell after C. Vernet.
  • A gentleman and a lady riding in horse-drawn coach, with a black slave boy riding on the back. Etching by Ferdinand, King of Portugal, 1845.
  • A poor apothecary in a cart being drawn by his servant are overtaken by a wealthy couple in a horse-drawn carriage with a seat at the back for their servant. Coloured etching.
  • A poor apothecary in a cart being drawn by his servant are overtaken by a wealthy couple in a horse-drawn carriage with a seat at the back for their servant. Coloured etching.
  • A flying contraption with large wings travels over the water. Wood engraving, 1843.
  • The fore wheels of a coach: two figures. Engraving by W. Lowry after J. Farey Jnr.
  • A stone quarry: masons are working the stone, and a team of horses is pulling a cart carrying a massive stone. Lithograph by C. Motte after V. Adam.
  • Agriculture: peasants, ploughs and carts of Sardinia. Coloured engraving by A.J. Lallemand after Gonin after Cominotti.
  • A mail-coach, overturned by a locomotive (Stephenson's Rocket). Line engraving, c. 1853 (?).
  • County Hospital, Huntingdon. Line engraving, 1860.
  • A woman driving a horse-drawn cart loaded with hay has stopped on the road to speak to a man with dogs. Watercolour.
  • Tom Nero, a hackney coach driver, beats with sadistic cruelty a disabled horse; a herdsman cudgels a sheep and a sleeping drayman runs over a boy with a hoop. Engraving by William Hogarth, 1751.
  • Four Turkish women being carried in an ox-cart. Watercolour.
  • A coach driver is demanding more money from his lady passenger, another driver's customer is searching his pockets. Etching.
  • Design for museums at south Kensington. Wood engraving by J. S. Heaviside after B. Sly after R. Kerr, 1864.
  • A storm in a wild and rocky landscape: lightning flashes while a man drives a a coach and four hourses through the darkness. Mezzotint by S.W. Reynolds the elder after G. Morland, 1798.