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792 results
  • W. Morris's book collection sale catalogue, 1898
  • Selection of books from the Royal Dutch Collection.
  • W. Morris's book collection sale catalogue, 1898; Sotheby's
  • An eccentric itinerant medicine vendor who collects old books, outside a bookshop. Etching.
  • An eccentric itinerant medicine vendor who collects old books, outside a bookshop. Etching.
  • An alphabetical book of physicall secrets, for all those diseases that are most predominant and dangerous (curable by art) in the body of man / Collected for the benefit, most especially of householders in the country ... as likewise for the help of such ladies ... who of charity labour to doe good. Whereunto is annexed a small treatise of the judgement of urines.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • A profitable and necessarie booke of observations, for all those that are burned with the flame of gun-powder, etc. ... With an addition of most approved remedies ... Last of all is adjoyned a short treatise, for the cure of Lues venerea / ... heretofore by me collected: and now againe newly corrected and augmented in the yeare ... 1596.
  • The historical antiquities of Hertfordshire. With the original of counties, hundreds or wapentakes and hamlets; the foundation and origin of monasteries, churches, and vicarages; the several honors, mannors, and parks of the nobility and gentry; and the succession of the lords each. Faithfully collected from public records, ancient manuscripts and other select authorities / Together with an exact transcript of Domesday-book, so far as concerns this shire, and the translation thereof in English. To which are added, the epitaphs and memorable inscriptions in all the parishes.
  • The historical antiquities of Hertfordshire. With the original of counties, hundreds or wapentakes and hamlets; the foundation and origin of monasteries, churches, and vicarages; the several honors, mannors, and parks of the nobility and gentry; and the succession of the lords each. Faithfully collected from public records, ancient manuscripts and other select authorities / Together with an exact transcript of Domesday-book, so far as concerns this shire, and the translation thereof in English. To which are added, the epitaphs and memorable inscriptions in all the parishes.
  • The historical antiquities of Hertfordshire. With the original of counties, hundreds or wapentakes and hamlets; the foundation and origin of monasteries, churches, and vicarages; the several honors, mannors, and parks of the nobility and gentry; and the succession of the lords each. Faithfully collected from public records, ancient manuscripts and other select authorities / Together with an exact transcript of Domesday-book, so far as concerns this shire, and the translation thereof in English. To which are added, the epitaphs and memorable inscriptions in all the parishes.
  • Three exact pieces of Leonard Phioravant viz. His rationall secrets, and chirurgery, reviewed and revived / Together with a book of excellent experiments and secrets, collected out of the practises of severall expert men in both faculties [by John Hester] Whereunto is annexed Paracelsus his one hundred and fourteen experiments: with certain excellent works of B.G. [Penotus] à Portu Aquitano [i.e. B.G. Penot] Also Isaac Hollandus his Secrets concerning his vegetall and animall work. With Quercetanus [i.e. J. Duchesne] his Spagyrick antidotary for gun-shot.
  • A scholar pores over a book, searching for inspiration. Etching by F. Basan after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A scholar-alchemist pores over a book, searching for inspiration. Etching by F. Basan after D. Teniers the younger.
  • A scholar-alchemist pores over a book, searching for inspiration. Etching by F. Basan after D. Teniers the younger.
  • An alchemist poring over a book, on his table stand an hour-glass, a skull, and an astrological globe. Engraving by J.N. Tardieu after D. Teniers the younger, 1640/1650.
  • An alchemist poring over a book, on his table stand an hour-glass, a skull, and an astrological globe. Engraving by J.N. Tardieu after D. Teniers the younger, 1640/1650.
  • A physician, in his surgery and workshop, examining a urine flask and referring to a book. Engraving by J.P. Le Bas after D. Teniers.
  • A medical practitioner examining a urine flask and referring to a book Engraving by J.B. Tardieu after D. Teniers.
  • An excited physician examining a urine specimen and referring to a book, while the patient waits for the diagnosis, two assistants are mixing concoctions in the background. Mezzotint by J.B. Enzensberger after D. Teniers, the younger.
  • Portrait; Samuel Pegge (1704-1796)
  • Double page from 'Shinki ipputsu'
  • Double page from 'Shinki ipputsu'
  • Photographs: portraits of T.W. Huck.
  • Front cover of 'Chodo Zue'; A collection of monochrome designs for 'tansu' and acessories like boxes for combs and writing sets; the compiler Aoki Hisakuni is otherwise unknown