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151 results
  • The workplace of a shoemender next to a tavern: the shoemender has gone next door for a drink in the company of the barman. Lithograph by N.L. Delaunois, 1832, after E.J. Pigal.
  • A man and a woman taking tea in the garden of a refreshment house: she asks whether he takes suger, he replies in sentimental terms. Etching attributed to R. Seymour.
  • "All who are visionaries dream of a City Beautiful, but no man in his right senses would dream of putting a pub in it." / Mr. E. Rosslyn Mitchell, M.P. ; issued by the Temperance Council of the Christian Churches of England and Wales, Abbey House, Westminster, S.W.1.
  • One man punches another in a drunken tavern brawl, two others shout encouragement. Engraving by J. Levasseur after A. Brouwer.
  • Two peasants in a dingy ale-house; one sleeps on a bench and the other urinates in a bucket. Engraving by J. Groensveld after A. Brouwer.
  • Simpson's celebrated 2/- fish dinner : absolutely the best : menu: turbot, stewed eels, fried sole, smelts, whitebait, haunch of mutton, vegetables, cheese & bread : dinner in London : Three Tuns, Billingsgate Market, E.C. / proprietor Charles Best.
  • A crowd of people in a star-studded night sky featuring a personified moon wearing the AIDS red ribbon with the message in Spanish 'All against AIDS' and the signs 'Pub' and 'Bar'; an advertisement for an AIDS benefit evening on 17 June 1995 at the Santa Lucía bar [in Biar?] by the A.Co.S.P.A. (Asociación Ciudadana contra el SIDA de la Provincia de Alicante. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • Contrasts in drinking of alcoholic beverages: a tavern from 1553 is contrasted with a gin-palace of 1847, temperance with drunkenness, and luxury with poverty. Lithograph by Luke Limner (John Leighton).
  • A large man carrying a tankard and a wooden half-barrel is singing, representing Jean Ramponneau and his drinking establishment in Paris, Engraving, 1760.
  • A woman working in a bar pushes away a man who makes advances towards her, a briefcase full of money lies open on the bar beside him; an AIDS prevention advertisement by the AIDS Control Programme, Ministry of Health, Uganda. Lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Leamington Spa, Warwickshire: Clemens Street, Blenheim Hotel. Etching, 1822.
  • Malvern Wells, Great Malvern, Worcestershire. Line engraving.
  • A French tavern with men at a table in the open air drinking a toast to good health. Lithograph by F. Noël after L. Boilly, 1826.
  • A drunken Doctor Drainbarrel is placed in a wheelbarrow and carted home from the inn. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1810.
  • A drunken Doctor Drainbarrel is placed in a wheelbarrow and carted home from the inn. Coloured etching by T. Rowlandson, 1810.
  • A doctor examining a man's tongue in a country tavern. Etching by H. Smith, 1858.
  • A dingy tavern with backgammon players and an amorous couple observing a pregnant woman as she drinks. Mezzotint by J. Stolker after J. Steen.
  • A busy gin palace bar with customers buying drinks. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, c. 1842.
  • A guitar player in a dingy tavern with a woman holding a song-sheet and a man with glass by his side. Lithograph after D. Teniers (?).
  • A Dutch country tavern with a drinker being given encouragement, a group by the fire and a serving man chalking up orders. Lithograph by F. Hanfstaengl, 1836, after D. Teniers.
  • Malvern, Great Malvern, Worcestershire: with a plan of the town. Lithograph.
  • A drunken brawl in a tavern with men shouting encouragement. Wood engraving by J.-B.C. Carbonneau after A. Brouwer.
  • A drunken man begs in the street with his family, all ruined through his drinking habit. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • Malvern, Great Malvern, Worcestershire: with a plan of the town. Lithograph.
  • A man leans out of a tavern window with a glass and cap in hand, others watch from inside. Etching by J. Chérin, mid 18th century, after A. van Ostade.
  • A man drinking in a tavern in the company of figures representing poverty and death induced by alcohol. Colour lithograph by J.-J. Waltz (Hansi), 1905.
  • Royal Baths, York Hotel, Stocker & Longmore's New Baths, York Terrace, Sidmouth, Devon. Tinted aquatint.
  • Matlock Bath, Derbyshire: from the Old Bath Terrace. Aquatint by H. Moore, 1831, after himself.
  • Matlock Bath, Derbyshire: the Old Bath Hotel. Aquatint by H. Moore after himself, 1830.
  • An opium den in London's East End with a reclining smoker being watched by a group of men. Wood engraving by A. Doms, 1872, after G. Doré.